Chapter 11 - Sergei

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The front door opened and she was there with a sandwich packed in her mouth bulging out her cheeks. Her hair was messed with strands poking out of the ponytail along with some hay. The smile slid across her face as her cheeks had darkened. Cupping her hand over her mouth, she bit down on a smile trying to finish her lunch that I interrupted. The dirt was caked on her blue jeans that molded her to muscular legs and those boots... Good heavens, those boots would be the death of me one of these days. They weren't the ones she'd been wearing to class, but still, her in any pair of boots seemed so natural that it enhanced her looks.

"I wanted to see where my horse will live." Passing her a wink, her cheeks darkened as she swallowed the food. Stepping down off the porch, warmth flooded through my body with her close, so close I could smell the dust from the grain she must have just fed to the horses. As she brushed the crumbs off her large sweatshirt, my eyes shifted down to see she hid the perfect curvature of her breasts that I graciously admired in class.

"Come. I will show you around." Her eyes sparkled as her hand trembled slightly pointing down to the corral where the gate was wide open.

"If you are in the middle of dinner-" Wrapping my hand around the back of my neck, I swallowed hard wanting to hold her, to touch her, to taste those sweet strawberry tinted perfect lips.

"I'm not. I just finished." Brushing the crumbs off her face, she hopped closer to me with the smile lighting her whole face. "My parents are gone for the week so they won't be here at all. If you would like, I can take you around the place and show you what we actually have here."

"I do not want to take you away from your work." Rubbing the back of my neck again, I managed to draw in enough air to keep my shaking down and my nerves at a low banter from the withdrawal. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be with her alone. And seeing her dressed in clothing covered in dust and horse dander, my heart fluttered wildly and warning signs flashed through my mind. I was treading water with her and I needed to keep my distance, though the distance just seemed too empty.

"Well, lucky for us, we finished for the night already and we are just hanging out a little." A little giggle came from her with her eyes shifting over my left shoulder. Her hand came down on my arm as she leaned closer to me increasing the warmth in my stomach. Taking in her scent more, my head swam and my fingers itched to reach out and touch her, to caress her. "Looks like he wanted to meet you, too."

My heart froze instantly feeling the whiskers brushing against my neck and the hot breath going down the back of my shirt. How had I not noticed the big animal following us? I mean, he wasn't there a second ago and he wasn't something that one could simply overlook. But then again, this woman was the masterpiece against the most beautiful scenery there was in this whole area. Not seeing a large, sleek black horse could happen. "Where did he come from?

"My guess is a male horse and a female horse-" Her hand tightened on my arm as her chest brushed me with her trying to get the horse black. His head dropped a little and pressed into my back shoving me right into her. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pressed her to me keeping her from falling. Electricity shot through me connecting with her eyes, her dancing, sparkling, soft hazels.

"I know that part of it." Heat pooled in my stomach, my eyes shifting from her eyes to her lips. When I cupped her cheek in the office, I had all I could do not to just kiss here there. I couldn't then and I couldn't now. She was off limits. Less than a year and she would be done with school. I could wait and see if things were this strong when graduation came up, couldn't I? "I mean, did not see him when I arrived."

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