Bone Deep

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So sorry about the wait but here comes part not really sure.



'Walk down the street 200 paces.

Count how many people you pass.


John stared frustratedly at his phone and was about to set off when it buzzed again

'Get lestrade to do the same the other way.


With an exasperated sigh john turned and walked back to lestrade to give him the next pointless instruction from Sherlock.

They had been running round the city like madmen for more than an hour and john was getting fed up.

Still, he hadn't lost faith yet. He started his pacing down the road 125..137...189... john paused. He wasn't observant clearly, but some of the people he saw down this street were rather odd. He made a note to tell sherlock later. A single man sat on the doorstep to a house. He was very well built yet he sat slouched on the doorstep eating cake. A girl with cancer, most likely lung was running down the street and finally a couple stood on the corner. One so covered in tattoos you couldn't tell what was skin but yet dressed plainly. The other extravagant figure next to him shimmered in the sun.

A soft buzzing brought john back to reality.

'Come on.


John looked up to see the black car stopped on the road as usual.

He sighed and stepped round to take his usual seat.


Sherlock sat impatiently in the Diogenes club. His fingers tapping on the table. A rhythm he still hadn't forgotten but had tried so hard to.

The consistent thumping caused mycroft to throw down his paper and stand up. He began to pace the room and sherlock followed suit. The two brothers side by side strode up and down the corridor.

This paired intelligence failed however, to see john hovering in the doorway. Only when a faint giggle escaped johns mouth did they both stare startled at the figure on the doorway.

Sherlock smiled

"Finally, we can get started."

"What about lestrade?" john echoed. They had been around the city together for the past few hours.

"He is on his way." Sherlock had his hands joined together in front of himself and was smiling. A look of utter pleasure, clearly he was happy with himself for solving whatever THIS was. John sighed.

"Just get on with it, show off" john muttered under his breath. A sharp side look from Sherlock got john smiling again.

"Mycroft call in your assistant and your driver."

"You can't possibly think it's one of them."

Sherlock just mumbled so mycroft reluctantly did what he said.


Eventually Mycroft's driver and Mycroft's assistant entered the room. They both looked shocked and filled with anticipation.

Sherlock walked up to then both and stared then both in the eye. His mouth opened about to speak but he was interrupted by a new arrival in the room.

Through the open door came Lestrade leading a young woman. Not just any woman. This woman had an uncanny resemblance to Anthea, Mycroft's assistant.

Sherlock almost laughed when john's jaw dropped.

"I would like you to meet Josephine." Sherlock pointed at the new girl. Mycroft looked stunned. His lips quivered and he let out a few mumbles of despair.

These were cut short by the raucous laughter that omitted from the two twins.

"Fooled the Holmes brothers." they spoke in unison their voices matched in tone.

"You obviously work for Moriarty. but why?" the puzzled expression didn't leave his face as neither of the twins were willing to offer and explanation.

"Lestrade." mycroft had regained his composure but his voice cradled that name. His tone just a little bit off.

"Call your men in. I want these two taken to the darkest hole you can find for them."

This command lead to a anguished cry from both twins. Lestrade leapt across to secure Anthea, leaving john falling forward to try and grapple with Josephine.

Everything happened too quickly. Josephine's hands appeared in front of her a thin black object held within. The barrel pointing straight towards john.

Sherlock falling forward shoving john out of the way leaving the barrel to roam freely until it found its target.

Mycroft standing shocked in the centre of the room had little time to register what had happened.

Two things happened next. A cry of Mycroft's name slipping from lestrade's lips as he ran towards him; and a single shot.

John by now had Josephine in a firm grip and the driver had been kind enough to hold Anthea.

Sherlock caught john's eye long enough for a short thank you before his eyes flicked over to the two men on the floor in the middle of the room.


I'm sorry this took so long and isn't very good.


I'll write the next one soon hopefully.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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