"You are a Team"

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The whistle blows, starting the scrimmage between the newbies and the Ducks.

Dwayne goes for the faceoff with the dark-skinned boy who was yelling at me earlier. "Great day for hockey, ain't it?" Dwayne asks, a permanent smile residing on his face.

"Sure is, Cowboy," responds the kid, imitating Dwayne's accent. Quite rude, if I do say so myself. Dwayne wins the puck, hitting it between the kid's legs, causing him to fall.

"Yeehaw!" Dwayne cries as he starts down the ice with the puck. Luis takes it right as Dwayne gets crushed by a Duck, and he flies across the ice. I shove some Ducks away as I follow from behind.

The goalie starts blubbering as Coach yells, "Goldberg! Look out!" Luis gets closer to the goal, but can't stop, taking Goldberg down with him as he falls, pushing the goal backwards.

Luis gets up, and the Ducks have the puck. Dean leans forward and takes out the kid, his jersey said "Banks" on the back, causing him to lose the puck. I race towards the Duck that gets it, but he takes a shot at Julie. Julie expertly catches it, throwing it back down onto the ice.

The puck gets stuck against the wall, and Coach is yelling for them to take it out. Once it's cleared out, Coach is whispering to one of the Ducks, a disapproving look on his face.

The Banks kid has it again, and he brings it to the goal, scoring as Julie dives to try to stop it. "Good shot, Adam!" Coach yells. Adam, I guess that's his name. "Way to go!"

Dean makes some sort of shouting noise as he crushes the biggest Duck into the wall, laughing while doing so. "Tough guy," Dean snickers, still laughing. Two Ducks come at him, and he shoves them both down, one with each arm.

The biggest Duck, I think his jersey says "Reed" has the puck, coming towards our defense, which is me, Dean, and Julie at the moment. I hear Mr. Tibble talking to someone nearby, but I focus on the huge guy coming towards us.

Reed stops and has the puck in front of him. "Look out!" Coach yells desperately. Oh, no this can't be good.

"Look out it's Fulton!" someone cries as people start diving out of his way.

"What a bunch of wusses," Dean says, squinting at their retreating forms.

"Dean, I don't think they're kidding," I respond, moving quickly out of the way. I am not damaging my face on the first day. Fulton takes his shot, a hard one as it comes flying towards Dean, who finally jumps out of the way.

It hits the top pole and ricochets off, sending it spinning towards Mr. Tibbles and some lady. The lady ducks, but Mr. Tibbles gets hit square in the forehead.

We crowd over the passed out form of Mr. Tibbles as the lady tries to wake him up. "Mr. Tibbles. Mr. Tibbles. Mr. Tibbles, can you hear me?" Coach hold something under his nose, and his face scrunches up. "Mr. Tibbles, wake up. Oh, Mr. Tibbles, are you alright?" she asks as he opens his eyes.

"Oh, I'll have cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake, please," he nods as we laugh.

The lady smiles and looks at Coach. "I think he'll be okay," she tells him, laughing along. "We'll keep an eye on him. Oh! I'm sorry! He didn't have a chance to introduce us. I'm Michelle McKay, their tutor," she explains, shaking Coach's hand.

"Hi, I'm Coach Bombay, their coach," Coach responds, trying to be funny. I don't think it's working very well.

"Who said we need a tutor?" Adam calls out to her, a disgusted look on his face. Same, Adam. Same. We all sound our agreements. School sucks, and I thought I was getting to escape it by coming here.

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