Let the Party Begin!

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You were off to John's as the wind blew through your long hair. You were ready to see one of your best friends and celebrate your birthday together. You and John celebrated your birthday together ever since you were little. It's like tradition. You loved John more than pocky and anime. As a brother that is. And he loved you more than Con Air. And that's a huge commitment.

You and John were basically twins. You both had raven black hair and blue eyes. You arrived at John's and hopped off your skateboard and captchalogued it into your sylladex.

You walked towards the front door and before you could even knock you were tackled to the ground. You opened your eyes and saw matching blue ones and a goofy smile. Your smile went wide. "Hey Y/n! Happy Birthday!" John said helping you to your feet.

"John! You don't tackle people like that! I could've had a brain tumor!" You playfully said punching his arm. "Ow... You still love me though." He teased pushing you a little as you put a hand on his shoulder and give him a serious look.

"I do love you John. Your a freaking brother to me. I'll be there for you no matter what." You said pulling the prankster into a hug. He hugged back. You two walked in and closed the door. "Hey Mr. Egbert!" You exclaimed, waving at him frantically as he gave a small wave back.

You and John made your way to his bedroom as you closed the door behind you. You sat with your legs crossed on his bed as he did the same in front of you. He pulled out a (f/c) box. "Oh shit. Your present is in my sylladex and my modus is on karaoke. And I don't know how to change it..." You said face palming.

"Hey. Don't worry about it y/n. You have an awesome voice. And I'm only listening." John assured you and you smiled. "Okay. Now what song to sing... Oh! I have one!" You said readying yourself.

"Happy birthday to you." You sang pointing to John.

"You live in a zoo."

"Hey!" He yelled.

"You look like a wind sock!"

"I do not look like a wind sock." John crossed his arms.

"And you smell like one too!" You finished as John's present and the cookies fell into your lap.

"Holy shit." John said holding in a laugh. "What?" You asked waving your hand in his face. "Your karaoke modus is hilarious!" John replies letting out the laugh he held in.

You pouted and crossed your arms. "Whatever. Here's your present dork." You scoffed, shoving the blue box in his face. You huffed your (h/c) locks out of your face as you turned away. John opened the present and gave a little chuckle. It was a picture frame of you and John when you were five.

You both were sitting on the couch, staring at the tv screen in awe. If you and John were in a comic book, there would be a twinkle in your eyes. John's dad took that picture of you and John. That's how you and John got into Con Air.

He set the frame aside, making sure it wasn't at the edge of the bed. He looked into the box to see confetti. John looked back up at you with a questionable look. "Turn the box upside down." You said twirling your finger in a circle motion. He flipped the box over and jumped up in surprise. He shakily reached for the Beta copy of SBURB. John pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, making your face look as blue as the box you gave him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The raven-haired boy exclaimed, finally letting you go as you gasped for air. "Oh god!" You breathed, grabbing his shoulder. " I couldn't breathe John! Jegus!" You joked, poking his stomach. "Sorry!" He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright birthday girl! Time for you to open your present!" He stated quickly, handing you a (f/c) box. You slowly opened the box and tossed it on the floor in shock. It was a (a present you want but never get for your birthday).

"Hey! That cost a lot!" John joked as you quickly picked it up. "John... I can't believe you bought me this..." You say as you spread your arms. "Sincere almost-sibling hug?" You asked with your head tilted as John laughed and stood up. "Sincere almost-sibling hug." John said wrapping his arms around you. You two released from the hug when your phone vibrated.

"Ooh! It's Elizabeth!" You cheered, whipping out your phone.

turntechGodhead started pestering animequeen at 2:03 p.m.

TG: hey y/n
AQ: Wassup Strider?
TG: did you give John his present yet?
AQ: Yup. Were about to get ready to start.
TG: nice, Rose said she would get you guys in first, then i would get her in Jade would get me in, then you two get her in
AQ: Alright. That sounds simple enough...
AQ: Oh yeah! You owe me a present Elizabeth!
TG: if you keep calling me by my middle name i don't owe you shit
AQ: Aww. Fineeee. Your lucky I really want that gift.
TG: well im gonna go
AQ: Bye Elizabeth! :D

animequeen ceased pestering turntechGodhead at 2:14 p.m.

TG: dammit y/n

> Back to you and John.

John was on his bed eating your mom's cookies. "We need to contact Rose, and then we're all ready to set up SBURB." You said as John slowly put a cookie to your mouth as you took a bite. "I'll pester her." You said taking another cookie.

animequeen started pestering tentacleTherapist at 2:17 p.m.

AQ: Hey Rose!
AQ: Lalonde!
TT: Yes?
AQ: I gave John his copy of SBURB and we're ready to start setting up.
TT: I'm assuming that you've talked to Dave? No?
AQ: Actually, yeah. Elizabeth Just pestered me a while ago.
TT: Good to know. I'll be going now. I need you to tell John to pester me. Okay?
AQ: Gotcha.
AQ: Bye Lalonde! ^u^/
TT: Goodbye Y/n. Oh! And Happy Birthday.
AQ: Thanks!

tentacleTherapist ceased pestering animequeen at 2:22 p.m.

"So John?" You ask. He let out a 'hmm' in response. "You ready to start?"

Thanks for reading! I'll try to explain this concept of the story. I'll be skipping some parts. Until next time. Byeeeeeeee! \^u^/

The Sessions We Played (Homestuck x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن