Someone New

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When I awoke I was laying on the ground my head propped up by a book, I sat up more quickly than I wanted too, "ugh, my head

hurts" I mutter, "Yea, sorry about that your head hit a big bump while I saved your life" An unknown voice sarcastically said, my vision

slowly focused on the rough figure in front of me "Who..are you? I say in a hoarse voice, I clear my throat. "My name is Jacob Cannon, I

use to live in Georgia, but my brother lived down here, around Briers St....." He paused for a moment as if he was back in that moment

now, " Anyway I came down here to visit him and his family my Niece and I went down to buy some clothing, that's when e alarm went

off telling us to all evacuate. Everyone starting to panic and screen and run I lost track of where my Niece was..she was gone some how

she slipped out of my hand..I..I.just ran screaming her name but I never found her, so I camped here scavenging for food..." He said.

He reached down to his faded blue jeans and pulled out a picture and handed it to me, "That is what she looked like". He walk a crossed

the small room to a coffee pot and poured a glass of the steamy liquid, I handed him the picture back "You want a cup of coffee, it's not

the best, but It's alright" he says "Sure" I say as I'm looking around the cramped room "How do you still have power" I say suspiciously

"I honestly don't know I plugged it in and it worked" Jacob said. I look around the room and notice a single light spreading throughout

the room, I also notice a closet just right of me and a door on the farthest wall. I try to stand but I quickly fall spilling my coffee

instantly "Sorry" I say apologetically, instead of say thanks a lot or it's ok he just stairs at me with a blank expressionless face which

makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm finally able to stand and walk over to the chair that he is siting in, "Hey I'm sorry but my team Is

probably looking for me" I murmur he wakes up half in a daze and mumbles "ok" then he falls right back to sleep. I look down at my

leg, it is bandaged and feels relatively good.

I walk over to the closet and open it, inside there was an assortment of security guard clothing, I grab a jacket and put it on, I search the

closet some more and find a pistol with ammunition and a holster, I try it on, tighten it up and put the gun in the holster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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