Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"Are you serious?" I finally grinned up at her.

"Dead serious, now we better get you packing." She ran to my closet, pulling out my biggest suitcase.

"Why am I taking that one?" I ask, thinking I had a round ticket back here after a few days.

"You thought you weren't staying? Oh, Trouble, you're 17. Plus, I'll be there soon. Your Gram's been cleared of chemo so I'm just staying to get her accommodated. It'll be three days at the most, you can put up with that. So help me pack, I'll bring the rest home with me." She smiled, placing the suitcase in the spot I was previously sat on.

"I love you, mom." I smiled, looking up at her as she continued to pile clothing into my bag.

"I love you, too, sweetheart. Now help me, will you?" 

I smiled as I walked into my closet, pulling things off of hangers left and right, not even looking before giving them to my mom.


"Okay, can we go over the plan one more time?" I ask, trying to get comfortable in the airport chairs as I waited on my flight.

"Of course," My mom began. "So, when you get off the plane Kathleen and Amanda will be waiting for you. From there you're going to our house to get ready, they'll help with that since you're one such a tight schedule. After you're all ready for the night you guys are going to go to Luke's party, where you'll hide in a present box and jump out. Afer you jump out you'll have to say something cute, or you could even do that 'surprise, bitch' thing you keep talking about. And the rest is history, well technically a mystery."

"I think I have it all." I smiled, thinking about what would happen is Amanda, Mrs. Cartway, was telling the truth.

"You ready for this, sweetheart?" My mom asked, her dimples accentuated.

"More than ready." I sighed, checking my watch for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"We're extremely sorry to inform you that flight 2213 to Baltimore, Maryland has been delayed." A voice spoke over the intercom, making both my mother's and my jaws drop.

"Well shit." She mumbled, digging into her purse to find her cellphone.

She fumbled, dropping it before finally dialing a number I couldn't see. My suspicions were soon confirmed when she began speaking again.

"Hello, Amanda? We have a problem, Tee's flight was delayed. No, we're not sure how long, they never said. I'll go find out, one sec." She quickly exited her seat, talking to the attendant by the boarding door before coming back.

"What did she say?" I ask, though I'm ignored for the moment.

"Yeah, probably an hour. She'll miss the party, I know. Could we change the surprise? Have her wait at your house or something?" She paused, perking up when Mrs. Cartway most likely answered with something good. They said their goodbyes before she leaning back in her chair, sighing heavily.

"You okay?" I chuckle. "Have you been hacking my tumblr again?" 

"How did you know?" She pouted, appearing more like a teenage friend than a 30 year old mother.

"You're having one of your shipping fits you throw after looking at a whole lot of OTPs." I laugh, knowing most moms probably aren't like this.

"Oh, well... Oops?" She chuckled, shooting up when the intercom interrupted the busy airport.

"All passengers of flight 2213 to Baltimore, Maryland, we are sorry to inform you that this flight has been cancelled because of a mechanical emergency. Thank you for your time, and have a good day." It suddenly cut off, my mother jumping to get to the attendant before the rest of the people in our designated area.

Surprisingly she did make it to the front, even though she had to practically tackle a  large man to do it. An amused look slid over my face as her arms flailed wildly, obviously not listening to the attendant. After a few moments she came back with a smug smile covering her face, a sheet of paper in her hand. 

"Remember the little airport near our house?" She asks, to which I nod.

"Well," She paused. "We can get you there, but we have to go to a small airport half an hour away," She paused once again, checking the watch on her wrist. "Within 45 minutes. You ready to run?"

"Of course." I smirked, following her as we ran past customs, all the way out to the filled parking lot.

"Do you remember where we parked?" She quietly asked.

"Mom, I wasn't supposed to come back!" I laugh at the situation once again. 

She bit her lip before replying, "That is true."

"Come on, lets find our car."


"We made it!" My mom exclaims as we arrive to our, extremely cramped, designated area.

"Good job, mom." I smiled, pulling her into a hug as I laughed once again.

We stood like that for a while, which was strange for us. Even though we have an extremely close relationship for a mother and daughter we were never really people to show affection, especially in public. A short hug, maybe, but a hug that lasted for over a minute? That was unheard of between us unless one was going into surgery or something severe.

"I love you, sweetheart." She pulled away, kissing my forehead as the new intercom announced the boarding of my plane.

"I love you, too, mom. Thank you so much for doing this."

"Not a problem, it's what keeps me young." She laughed. "Now go get your boy, I'll see you in a few days."

"See you in a few days." I repeated, walking up to the line and handing the attendant my ticket.

I looked back to the windows after I had left through the departure door and sent my mom a small wave, turning my back after a moment and climbing up the airplane's steps.

I was sat towards the front of the small, cramped plane when I smiled. Apparently I looked strange, as the woman next to me asked if I was okay. I replied quickly before taking out a piece of gum and popping it into my mouth. The entire time I couldn't stop grinning due to the one thought roaming around my mind.

I'm coming home.


Hey guys, this story is officially over, except for the epilogue. But after everything is done, don't remove it from your library yet as I'll be posting a note about the sequel, and whether or not I'll make one. Thank you all so much for reading, voting, commenting, etc. because it honestly means the world to me. I love you all so much.

Much Love,

Emily {IrwinArmy}

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