Thoughtful Wishing

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After the hunt, Sam and Dean were finishing loading the rest of our bags into the trunk of the Impala, I had the need to step aside and be alone for a moment. Despite the weird, crazy shit that just went down moments ago, I turned and looked off into the distance and strangely there was a beautiful scenery up ahead and feeling the need to go and enjoy it for as long as I could since being a hunter we don't get the luxury very often.

As I walked towards it, I see a clearing with high grass and flowers and a single tree. It was nearly sunset and for some reason, Cas popped into my head. I just all of a sudden thought of him and felt something strange in my chest! All I thought was that somewhere, he was thinking of me too and knew, I..... I loved him!! And in that moment I knew he loved me, he had always loved me.

The feeling in my chest, was so hard to explain, but it's like all this time we still had a connection, even though we were so far away. As the sun continues to set and a breeze was floating all around me so smoothly, it felt so beautiful. I can hear my heart pounding, a beautiful beat was coming from it, so I start running towards the field of flowers. Thinking of him, I wanted nothing more but to say his name out loud but I couldn't find my voice.

As I reached the tree, it's like I wanted to let go but at the same time I just knew he was the one and he knew it, I just knew he did... I felt it. Through the time I ran, Dean ran after me as I turned around for a brief moment I thought it was Cas!!! But I soon came to realize it was just Dean. Is not that I don't love him or Sam, I do, they hold a special place in my heart, I enjoy their company, they are my family, my brothers, but I guess I was just a little confused as to why I felt the way I did.

Dean looked into my (e/c) eyes and his worried expression soften as he brought me into his arms and pressed a kiss on my forehead, and whispered "it's ok, I'm here."

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