Chapter 1

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Louis had been drawn to the house the moment he laid eyes on it. He didn't know why, but he found himself driving past it every day on his way home from work, slowing down just enough to get a good look. It was a decent sized place, not too big and not too small; a perfect place for he and his current roommate, Zayn. Zayn had been Louis's best friend for years and they were pretty much inseparable. The two shared a cramped, outdated flat and had discussed moving a few times, usually over cups of ramen noodles at the counter which served as a kitchen table since they didn't have room for one.

There was something inside Louis's brain, nagging him and constantly reminding him of the house. He found himself daydreaming about the house at work, wondering what the inside looked like. It felt as if he was constantly being pulled to it. He told himself it was fate.

Louis had taken it upon himself to get in touch with the realtor and took a tour of the charming grey-blue house, which was surprisingly low-priced, and within a few days he and Zayn had purchased it.

Now, they were finishing up the process of moving in. Boxes were scattered around the interior of the house while the two boys unpacked, though it wasn't much since they had come from such a small flat.

"I can't believe we actually got this place." Louis beamed, kicking aside one of the empty boxes.

Zayn nodded and flopped down onto the couch, taking a break. "Can't believe no one else beat us to it, 'specially at a price like that."

It was true. The house wasn't fancy, but it certainly wasn't a dump. It was in a decent neighborhood, in good condition and something about it just screamed "home". In Louis's opinion, people should've been begging to get in there. But the realtor had told him that she had been trying to sell it for a while after the last family who had lived there moved out after only a few months. Clearly, they were missing out.

The two finished the bulk of their unpacking and soon comfortably settled into their new home for the night, both excited to finally have rooms of their own. At their old flat, they had to share a room and started out with taking turns sleeping on an inflatable mattress on the floor while the other got the bed. Eventually they shared the bed, which turned out to be less awkward than they had thought. But now they both had their own room and their own space and privacy. (Louis had discovered that no matter how close he was to his best friend, he still enjoyed having time alone.) It was a dream come true.

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