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In light of recent events I would like to address something


I just have to say some stuff about it

There is stigma around love now, think about how monumentally messed up that truly is

Someone shouldn't be afraid to walk down the street with the person they love

But sadly they are afraid

And that disgusts me

People should not have to be afraid to love

Love is love how could that be wrong

My best friend from 3rd grade once said to me when I told her I was bi
"You aren't my friend, I don't even know who you are anymore, you're going to hell and you deserve it."

She was defending a god she follows blindly

That's one huge reason I am a atheist, if god loves all his children why doesn't he love the ones who have been brave and accepted love into their heart no matter what the gender is

Yet if he is out there he accepts people who do nothing but spread hate over skin color and sexuality even gender

I would like to quote Obama who was an amazing president

"Our journey is not completed until our gay brother and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law for we are all created equal, the love we commit to one another must be equal as well."

We are all born the same way and all die the same way
So being gay
Being a different ethnicity
Being a different gender

Does not change anything

We all are human

So when are we going to all love each other

When can we truly be able to accept each other

Love is not a choice

And who are is not a Choice

Everyone is equal and we all deserve the same rights

Learn to love yourself no matter who you are

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