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So I

Get mad as most of you know

But the thing that really pisses me off is

Fucking friends getting mad at other friends for example

Friend A did something to friend B but A didn't mean to hurt Bs feelings

And when A apologizes B doesn't accept it

Its like fucking bitches life is to short to stay mad at friends stop being petty and stubborn and get the fuck over it

And if you dont just accept there apologize and your sad about the friendship being over

Its no ones fault but yours

Okay get off your high horse everyone and get along Jesus fucking Christ

We are all human and we all  make mistakes

How would you feel if you weren't forgiven for a mistake

And don't say I wouldnt care because that's bullshit and you know it

And for people like that who would throw away a friendship over one little thing

No one is going to want to be friends with you

Including me

So stop being stubborn and get along with everyone because in the end we are all born the same way and we all die

No one is better then the other

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