Dare 1

227 17 15

So I have to take away wolfs tomato privileges thanks to Marie645231. Wish me luck guys!

"Hey Wolf? We need to talk."

"About what?" Wolf asked eating a glossy red tomato. Stars this is going to be hard.

"Um well. You cant have anymore tomatoes. You eat them all the time and I have people tha buy them from me. Sorry."

"Wait...I cant have....tomatoes anymore? Why?"

"I just told you why. I'm sorry Wolf. But no more. End of discussion." I quickly go upstairs to my room. I hear Wolf's feet trample up the stairs.



"Are you just messing around?"

"I wish I was. But they don't grow in a single day. They take time. And if you eat them all then who else is going to have them?"

"Oh. I guess you're right. I'll stop eating them." He sounds sad and I can't help but open my door and fling myself onto him in a big embrace.

"I'm sorry Wolf. It was just a dare. You cant eat as many tomatoes as you like." I kiss his cheek and blushes. A small grin grows on his face.

"Its okay. I know you wouldnt do that to me."

"Of course you do. I love you Ze'ev Kesley."

"I love you Scarlet Kesley." He presses kiss against my lips and I feel better instantly.

A/N: there ya go Marie645231. Happy? That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
Anyway keep up the dares!😊

Ask or Dare ScarletOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz