(For who is asking the question... S - Sam and C - Colby)

C - "When is my brother Gage's birthday?" Colby asked.
"December 6th" Sam said with confidence. 
"Your so close!" Colby said smiling "It's actually December 16th" 

You grabbed a mouse trap and came into view of the camera. You sat down next to Sam and set the mouse trap into place ready to spring when it hit his hand. Sam looked at the mouse trap and his body tensed up. It was the most terrifying thing ever. 

"So the punishment for these two is that for every question they get wrong I have to slam these mouse traps into their hands" 

"Just do it!" Sam shouted as I hesitate to slam the mouse trap into his hand. 

It caused Sam to scream at the top of his lungs like their was no tomorrow. 

"Oh my God! That was so painful!" Sam said holding his hand 

S - "Who do I look up to?" 
"Ummm your dad?" Colby said unsure of his answer 
"Dang it! That was too easy" 
Colby laughed and jumped up very pleased that he got his answer correct 

C - "Where did I have my first kiss?" Colby asked already laughing at his own embarrassment 
"Easy!! Behind a dumpster" Sam said throwing his arms up 
"Sadly you are very correct with that one" 

S - "What happened to my first car?" 
"You crashed it into a fence" Colby said unsure of himself 
"No you idiot, I crashed it into a tree....you were in the car with me Colby"
"I don't remember that ever happening but okay" Colby said ready to take the pain 

I firmly held the mouse trap and slowly moved it towards Colby. He had his eyes closed and I then slammed it into his knuckle. He jumped up in pain and then jumped back down crawling into a ball of pain on the couch. I felt bad about this but they chose for me to do the punishment for them. 

After the challenge they stopped recording and Colby finally returned my phone to me. He began to check his own phone and made a confused face. I didn't ask what was wrong but I went into the other room to find my charger, when I came back into the kitchen Shea was standing at the front door of the apartment with his hands around Colby. I didn't see what was happening but then Sam followed me into the room. He saw the same thing I saw and before anything could be done you ran out of the apartment. 

You ran straight to your apartment and locked the door behind you. Colby kept knocking on the door and refused to go away. When you finally shouted "Colby leave me alone" the knocking had stopped. 

A few minutes later you heard someone knock. "Y/N are you in there?" It was Sam knocking 

You stood up and unlocked the door. Sam was standing in the doorway and tried to explain things for Colby. Once Colby came into view of the doorway you shouted "Get out of here Colby" 

"Y/N please just talk to me" he pleaded 

"I don't want to talk to you at all" 

"Please...." he said as you began to shut the door 

When the door was halfway closed you said "No, goodbye Colby" and then the door way closed 

Colby looked like he was about to explode. His face was red and his eyes were puffy from crying. He cried for what felt like days. 

Back in your apartment you sat in a ball on the floor sobbing into your knees. Feeling absolutely nothing but pain you pried yourself off of the floor and went into your bedroom. There was a small old box filed with razor blades in a drawer. You finally opened the box and dumped out the razor blades. As you placed one on your wrist about to cut a piece of paper fell from the box and landed on your bed. 

The note read: Don't do this Y/N. Just don't. I know from experience that it won't get any easier by doing this. I don't think I'd be able to live in this world without you. When you came into my life I felt my own scars healing. I'll love you forever and that will never change, just please don't leave this earth too soon. 

As one of my tears hit the note I noticed that it was written in Colby's handwriting. Colby always had such a bright spirit and a smile on his face that you never thought twice about what possible self harm he could've done in the past. It made you feel almost selfish, but after reading the note one more time you decided to run after Colby and see him again to let him explain. If he couldn't live without you then you didn't want to be the reason for his relapse.  

You ran over to the apartment and started pounding on the door. Sam opened it immediately and pulled you inside. He said sounding worried "I don't know what to say to him anymore" 

"Why? What happened?" you asked 

"He locked himself in the bathroom and won't talk to me anymore" 

You rushed over to the bathroom door and started to bang on it. You shouted into the door frame "Colby it's Y/N. I forgive you for everything. I came here so that we could talk. Please Colby I love you. Please open the door". 

There was no answer at the door.

"Sam call 9-1-1" you shouted as you took a bobby pin out of your hair. 

"Why?" he asked 

"Just do it right now and tell them that it is an emergency" you said as you put the bobby pin in the lock of the door and started to twist it. 
You unlocked the door from the outside and burst through the door throwing all of your weight against the door. 

Colby was lying on the ground unconscious in a pool of blood. You grabbed two towels that hung from the shower curtain and you squeezed them around Colby's wrists trying to stop the bleeding before the ambulance got there. By the time the police got there you were hovered over Colby crying and the police had to pull you away from him so that they could get him in the ambulance to go to the hospital.
The paramedics wouldn't allow you to ride in the ambulance because of the fatal state that Colby was in. You and Sam followed the ambulance to the hospital and rushed into the waiting area. A doctor came out after about an hour and said that Colby was going to recover, but he has not woken up yet.
The doctor allowed you and Sam to go into the room to try and talk to Colby in the hope that it would help him wake up. 

"I'll leave you and Colby alone" Sam said letting you talk to Colby first 

After he left you said to Colby "I didn't know you knew about the box in my bathroom. That was meant to be my own secret" you kept think of things to say to Colby but the words didn't quite fit. "A day never went by when I thought I would lose you Colby, being just twenty years old I could've been with you forever" 

For a while you just mumbled random things to Colby while he was in his coma. 

"I'm sorry I kept this secret from you Colby, but I'm more sorry that for any solid moment of my life I didn't trust you"

"No one tells all their secrets because even they don't know all of them" a raspy voice said 

Colby had woken up and you were extremely relieved you hugged him and said "I love you Colby, with all my heart"

"I love you too Y/N" 

You and Colby has been through something so traumatic it brought you closer together. 

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