Chapter 2: Rikers Island Breakout!

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  Thirty Minutes ago...

Rikers Island/ "Special Cases" building, New York City: February 24th, 2014: 4:26 PM

General Arcane lead Denice Irving and her "ex-hippie" aid into the top floor section of the building that acted as a cover for the entrance to the metahuman prison known as the "Special Cases" wing.

After clearing inspection and passing through security, he showed them the elevator hidden behind the wall by the pop machines, and down they went to the main cellblock, seven stories below the surface of the island prison.

The facility was huge, about the size of a football stadium, but underground.

According to Arcane, the facility was cube shaped, with the top operating floors occupying the top half of the cube, while the cellblocks and medical and prisoner exercise rooms occupied the lower half.

Since the detention cellblocks holding the prison's metahuman prisoners was what Denice was really after with this whole "inspection" of hers, Arcane took her (with armed gaurds present) down to the Cellblock corridors.

As they passed by the many prisoners wearing the red and gold colored prison uniform of the "Special Cases" wing here underneath Rikers Island, glaring at them, or saying some profusely profane words at the three of them...Denice, unfazed began her questioning.

"Are these cells up to the government mandatory regulation of humane treatment of prisoners detained in a detention facility?" Denice asked.

"Aside from the heavily reinforced and electrified glass to prevent these prisoners from attempting to punch their way out, they are no different than your average prison cell, a bed, a view, a sink and a toilet." General Arcane answered nonchalantly.

"Wait, you said the glass is electrified to keep them from "punching out", what do you mean by that? What kind of powers do these guys have?" Denice asked, her concern for safety ignoring her distaste of the glass of the cells being electrified.

"Super strength and extreme durability" Arcane answered, "But these are all low-level Metahumans, ones who haven't been fully activated by M-Radiation exposure to be anything more that "public nuisance" level threats. But the ones underneath us, one floor down...they are an entirely different story."

The two of them followed Arcane down the stairs at the end of the long narrow hallway, and entered a different kind of Pen gallery.

One that had a variety of different looking cells, designed to contain the various fully active Metahumans who were contained within those cells.

As Arcane, Denice and Greg Lovell walked by among the cells holding all these Metahumans with a wide variety of different powers, powers that the world had never seen before until the incident in the desert two years ago made what was once science fiction a reality.

She curiously read off the names and abilities of several of the prisoners they passed, it was quite the long strange list at that.

"Anna L'mour: A.K.A "Spellbinder": Power/Ability: "Hypnotic Beam" stare" she read one, "Tara Reed: A.K.A: Hive-Queen: Power/Ability: Mind Control based Tar manipulation" said another, "Sandra Snoke: AKA: "Multiplex": Power/Ability: "Multiple Molecular copy Power".

"Hey, who's "Count Orlak's" cousin over there?" Greg Lovell asked pointing to a pale skinned, vampire looking figure in a cell adjacent to where they now stood.

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