Chapter Two

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"I swear it was the weirdest thing, It was like I knew him. I couldn't quite point it out but I swear I know that man." I exclaimed as I sat at my desk chair, head in my hands.

It just didn't make sense. I have never seen that man in my life but he just seemed so familiar. And why did he run once he saw my badge? Why was he about to enter Eleanor's room. There were so many questions that I had that were just going un answered, and it was annoying the hell out of me.

Frank sighed looking at me and then at the man he had brought in to draw a sketch of the man that I was describing.

"Could you maybe describe him one more time?" the man asked, staring down at the sketch of a man who, so far, didn't look at all like the one I had seen in the hospital.

"Fine." I sighed, "He was caucasian, with light blonde hair that was balding, he had light blue eyes and a long scar that ran from his left temple to his right eyebrow. His lips were puffy, almost as if he had had a bad Botox injection and he had one golden tooth, right in the front."

I watched intently as the man scribbled along the piece of paper, adding details into the face he was drawing and sometimes erasing things. As I watched him a sudden vibration ran throughout my leg, making me jump. Taking out my phone I looked at the caller ID and sighed. Josh.

"Hello, Josh." I said into the phone, setting my eyes back onto the man once again and his flying pencil.

"Detective! I had a dream about the kidnapping. The boys were all chained up in a room with a man standing above them, a knife in his hand, laughing. They all looked so scared and Niall had blood dripping from his fore head." Josh said, sounding like he was crying from the obviously vivid nightmare that he had just witnessed.

"Okay Josh calm down, what did this man look like? Did you see his face in your dream?" I questioned gently. This is what I did every time. I knew what Josh was seeing wasn't really happening but it made him feel involved.

"Yes, he had thin blond hair with a bald spot in the middle. His lips, they were so puffy and I could've sworn I saw a golden tooth where one of his front teeth would be as he laughed." Josh said.

I gasped loudly, sitting up straighter.

"Oh my god." I said standing up and grabbing the sketch out of the mans hand looking at it.

The sketch was perfect, exactly like the man that I had seen, and exactly like the man who Josh had described as being in his dream.

"Josh, I need you to come to the station, now." I said as I tossed the sketch back onto the mans lap, quickly sitting back down on my chair, spinning it around to face the computer screen.

"Okay." Josh said, sounding confused before he hung up.

"What's going on Mai?" Frank asked as he stood up and walked over to me. Placing a hand on my back.

"I think we have a suspect."


"Barry Goldmore. Age 45, caucasian, blue eyes, blond balding hair and a long scar from his left temple to right above his right eyebrow. He has been charged twice with attempted murder and the kidnapping of two young girls ten years ago. This is our suspect." Frank explained to the rest of the team at the police station, "One of those girls being our very own, Detective Maisilee O'Conner."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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