Chapter 10

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*Dusty's POV*

I took an hour long shower, scrubbing chocolate pudding out of my hair and ears. Apparently, Gee was in the other shower, doing the same. I turned off the water, steeping out of the tub and pulled on my underwear and some short, black athletic shorts and a black tank top. I opened the door, watching the steam trapped in the small bathroom float out into the hallway. I walked down the hallway, into the living room. It didn't look like anyone was back yet. Frank and Ember had run away after my creepy whisper-threat to the both of them. I plopped down on the couch and waited for Gee.

*Gerard's POV*

I heard the other shower stop from my spot under the water. I guess Dusty was done. I sighed, knowing I should get out soon. I had finished getting the pudding off me, but I liked the tranquility of the hot water raining down on me. I got out about fifteen minutes after I heard Dusty get out. I dried my body, but didn't bother drying my hair. I put on my pants and walked into the living room, towel still around my neck. Dusty was sitting on the couch in very short shorts and a tank top. She was beautiful. Scarred and beaten, but still my beautiful Dusty. The shorts and tank top revealed her jagged scars on her legs, thighs, shoulders and wrists. She was looking at the wall and didn't seem to notice me until I bumped into the table. Smooth, Gerard. She looked at me and blushed very profusely. "U-uh...Gerard....?" I looked at her, confused. "Yeah?" Her eyes traveled lower than mine and I realized that I only had my shorts on. I felt my face grow hot. Yep. Smooth. As. Hell. Wait. Why do I even care? I shrugged and sat down next to her. There was a very small amount of clothing between us. She cleared her throat, but smiled at me. "Hi." I grinned at her. "Hey." I let my fingers trail across her scar-covered shoulders. "Who did these?" She frowned and the light behind her eyes immediately vanished. "Peter. Peter Jackson." I looked at her. "Who in the hell is that? And why was he hurting you?!" I was growing madder by the minute. She looked like she could cry. "Just an ex..." I put my arms around her. "Hey now. Don't worry. He can't hurt you anymore." Whoever he was, he just made the biggest mistake of his life.

/Ooooookay. C: Such a happy update. Lol. XXX~ Kanaya\

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