Chapter 9

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*Dusty's POV*

Gee and I fell asleep on the couch that night. God, I liked him. I couldn't believe that he liked me. I woke up the next morning and was immediately greeted with Kellin's familiar face only inches from mine. I didn't scream, but gave him the most weirded out look I could muster at ten thirty. "Kellin?" I mumbled, still tired. Kellin stayed where he was, his brown eyes staring into my gray ones. I poked his cheek. "Boop...?" His gaze flicked from me to Gee and back to me. Gerard's arm was thrown lazily around my shoulder. I looked a up at his hurt expression. "Kel...?" He shook his head and walked through the hallway to his room. I could hear the door close quietly. I wish he would talk to me about what's bothering him. It obviously concerns me. I sighed and put my head back on Gee's chest. He snored softly. I caressed his face gently, careful not to wake him. Ember chose that moment to emerge from she and Frank's room, most likely to get coffee. She paused when she saw Gee and I and grinned. I gave her a warning look, for I knew this grin. It was the grin of devilish proportion. She stalked up to us and jumped onto the couch and screamed loudly: "Wake up, Geetard!" Gerard immediately sat up, looking around, clearly confused. He yawned. "Dusty? Ember? What's up?" Ember giggled. "Pudding." Gee and I exchanged confused looks, before feeling a load of brown and thick crap fall down over our heads. I shrieked as Frank poured a huge gallon on pudding on our heads. "You're dead, Frank Iero!!!" I leapt up and tackled Frank. I leaned down close to his face and whispered: "You better watch your back. Because I'm not going to do anything to you now, no no. I'm going to wait until you think you're safe and then- BAM!" He flinched as I clapped my hands loudly in front of his face. "You'll wish you'd never messed with me." Frank looked up at me with wide, scared eyes. "O-okay!" I let him up and he and Ember scurried back over to their bedroom quickly, like little mice.

/So sorry I haven't updated in a few days D: I've been pretty busy and now I'm sick :c XXX~ Kanaya\

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