Room For Regret

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Elias looked on in shock, hardly able to speak. He knew he had to respond, but he didn't want to. Ever since the masquerade prom the previous week, he had found his very first crush. There had been a girl in a white thigh-high dress and crystal earrings, wearing a silver decorated mask and having her hair pulled back into a loose, delicate bun. The mere thought of her sent goosebumps up and down his arms and back.

"I-I'm sorry. I mean, you are an amazing person, don't get me wrong, but there is already someone else I like."

The words felt like a dagger had pierced her heart, and she stumbled backward as the force of them hit her. Of course, he didn't like her; everyone already knew that he liked the girl from the masquerade, but the words still came as a shock to her. If only he knew that she was the girl behind that mask, things would have gone differently, but something made Jasmine want him to fall for her for her, not for some silly mask.

"Excuse me. I-I got to go," she choked out, her heart broken into a million pieces.

Jasmine burst out of the courtyard and dashed up the road, trying to get as far from everyone as she possibly could. She ran for the cliffs, not looking back to see if anyone was following, and headed for her hiding place. There was a burrow, hidden beneath an overhang of gorse bushes. Silently slipping underneath the branches of the shrub, Jasmine huddled into a ball and wept.

How could he do this to me? How could he not see that he had hurt me?

Elias regretted what he had said the moment he said it. He gazed at her in confusion as she bolted away, leaving a trail of dust in her wake. He was even more shocked when Lily approached him, glaring in the creepy way she does when someone's done something bad.

What was so wrong that I did, though? He thought to himself. He knew exactly what he did wrong. His mistake was rejecting her, but how was he have supposed to know that she loved him so much? His mind whirled with questions; all of them he could answer, except for one. How was I so stupid to have not realized her feelings for me?

"Do you realize how much she loved you?" Lily shouted at him, staring a hole through his skin. "Do you realize how much she cared for you?"

Lily was angry, extremely angry. You could tell that I messed up bad! Did I really mean that much to her?

"I-I'm sorry," was all he could say.

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