A lone tear slipped past Arianna's eyes and rolled down to her chubby cheeks but she was quick to wipe it off. She then reached for her brother and wrapped her thin arms around his waist. She loved his brother dearly and losing him would tear her to pieces but she was aware of their predicament. She maybe young but she was wise. She knew the danger lurking in every corner and she acknowledge it though she always try hard to push it on the back of head. The little girl just wanted to be optimistic despite of it all and she knew it's the best she could do for her brother. " I love you, Richy. You know that, right? You are the only family I have left. "

" I know and you know that I do too. But for now get your arms off me and move. We only have a few hours before the sun sets and it would be hard to navigate on the dark. " Richard replied before placing a kiss on his sister's forehead.

Arianna looked up to Richard and smiled her ever warm smile before moving forward. There was a light skip on her step and she was humming a song her mother used to sing to her before she go to sleep. She suddenly felt like a normal child again with no care in the world. Technically, she was still a child but the circumstances made her think more mature. But at that moment, she just wanted to enjoy like how she was supposed to be. She let the wind brush against her face and pretend there were no 'monster' and no one wanted to harm them. She pretended nothing had happened a few years ago and she was just walking inside a forest with her brother, admiring the beauty of nature. But little did she knew, something was already creeping behind the bushes eyeing her every move and before she could notice it, the thing was charging on her with all its desparation and hunger. She could only let out a scream of fear when it caught her attention.

Richard though was quick to his feet and was infront of Arianna in a blink of an eye, standing protectively and aiming at the thing's head. When he had a clear shot, he pulled the trigger and let a bullet go straight to its forehead and watch it drop on the ground motionless. He then turned to his sister and comforted her instantly.

" Shhh.. You are safe. Im here. Im here. "

Arianna's happy mood quickly vanished and she suddenly wanted to cry, release all the fear that had consumed her minutes ago but she had no time for it. She saw two more of that thing charging towards them on their left. Their appearance made her want to vomit, it could never be a sight for sore eyes. It was more like a sight for someone who want to die.

" Richard there's more! " She screamed and pointed the two gruesome figure making its way to them. One had only one arm and was covered with blood, the other was almost crawling and also covered with the red liquid but its pace would still make you want to run.

" Run and hide, don't look back! " Richard commanded and pointed to the direction where he assumed was safe. But to his dismay, Arianna did not budge and held her ground, more like frozen on her ground. She was internally panicking, he could see it on the emotions swimming on her eyes though fear was far more distinct. " Ari, keep it together. Move ! "

The young girl snapped out of her state and followed her brother's order. She wanted to stay and be there with her brother but she knew better. She would only be a distraction for Richard and might cause it both of their lives so she ran till her little legs ache. She needed to find someone who could help them. She was nearing the end of the forest when she tripped on her own foot but luckily a pair of soft warm arms caught her before she hit the grassy ground. She quickly looked up and was greeted by brown doe like eyes, staring at her with combination of surprise and concern.

" What happened, little girl? " The young woman asked her. Her voice was as soothing as the hand rubbing gently on Arianna's back. But she did not pondered on it more and rushed to explain what had happened. Why she was running and how she desperately need to get help for her brother. Though the girl struggled to stay calm and her thoughts were quite disoriented, the young woman seemed able to understand her for she eagerly asked where her brother was and waved to its companion, asking the other young woman who was first to approach to look after her, the others to come after her. It was then she had realized she was standing infront of a huge gate and was carefully being lead inside.


All the years he had been fighting those 'thing' had taught him fast ways and techniques how to finish it off. He had discovered its weakness and some of its incapabilities but at that time - he found himself surprised. The 'thing' that was infront of him was unfamiliar and had a strength of a bear or much stronger. When he tried to hit it with his rifle on the head, it had no effect. The 'thing' kept on coming and attacking him, attempting to bite any part of his body. He had killed the other three of its kind earlier but he was still unable to even decapitate the last one. He was growing weak but his will to stay alive for his sister was keeping him on his feet. He knew he need to stay breathing, there was no one to take care of Arianna and he could not leave her like that. He thought of running but he came with the conclusion that it was pointless. The 'thing' was fast and he didn't want to lure it to his sister. He also had no magazine left and had discarded his rifle awhile ago, more like the 'thing' broke it in half. He only had a dagger to avoid dying, his fists and courage, lots of courage. He understood it would not get him anywhere but he still dared to try. He launched himself towards the 'thing' with his only weapon in his hand but his attempt was futile. Before the tip of his dagger touch its skin, he was thrown back and had hit a solid tree. Air got knocked out from his lungs and it became hard to breathe.

" Fuck this creeps! " He spat as blood started to trickle down on the corner of his lips. He fought the dizziness that was starting to pull him out of consciousness and tried to stand back on his feet. The 'thing' started to gurgle maniacally like it had sensed it victory and that the food was served. It made the hair on the back of Richard's head stood and for the first time in two years fear crawled in his veins, leaving him shaking and hopeless. It suddenly drained all of the strength he had left. " I'm sorry, Ari. I could not keep my promise. "

He was about to accept his fate when he heard sounds of gunshots and a woman's voice commanding a series of attack. He had tried to fight the pull of darkness and kept his eyes opened but the task became impossibly hard. He caught a glimpse of a woman with brown doe like eyes and luscious red lips approaching him before he fainted and his body collapsed to the ground out of exhaustion.

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