It Continues

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*alright here you all go, and thank you for sticking by me and the story love you all.*

"'You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.'" -Mary Tyler Moore


I unlocked the door to my office. When opening the door I saw the mail that I had missed on the floor. I looked around to find the shop empty. I shut the door behind me and went to my desk. I sorted the mail and found an invitation to an event. I set it on the table and sat down. I opened the invitation.

'You are formally invited to Bennet and Stacy's firm holiday celebration. Please come join us and and celebrate the accomplishment and awards we will be celebrating. R.S.V.P at this number below.'

I kept looking at the invitation. Daniel wanted me to go, we haven't talked for days.

Seeing him was just something. It was something that I needed but this was real. I smiled at the thought that maybe one day we will be together. I then dialed the number and waited for someone on the other line to pick up.

"Bennet and Stacy's firm how can I help you?"

"Hi, I am confirming my invitation regarding your holiday celebration."

"Okay if I can get your invitation number."

"Yes it's 01347."

"Oh... okay you are with Daniel correct?" She asked.

"Ummmm.... yes. Yes I am." I said.

"Okay we will see you at the celebration as well. Thank you for calling and have a wonderful day." She said.

I hung up the phone. I heard the front door bell ring. I looked up.

"Hey Jessica."

"Hi Liam. What can I help you with today?" I said looking at him wondering why and how he came here.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"What's wrong... Is my family okay?" I said.

"They are fine, it's about us." He said.

"There's nothing about us to talk, like I said before I'm done with you." I said.

"Then hear me out." He said. "I've been in love with you for the longest and I can't let you go. Please see that."

"Hey babe, ready for lunch?" I heard a familiar voice walk in. I looked over and smiled.

"Daniel.... yeah. Liam I'm sorry.... I've... ummm moved on." I said looking at Daniel. Liam nodded and walked out closing the door behind him.

I looked at Daniel. "What are you doing here?" I asked. " I was suppose to see you at your firms event." I said.

"Well if that is the case I can leave." He said smiling.

"It's okay. So what brings you here?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to talk to you and it may effect us." He said.

"Okay, I'll get my stuff." I said. I went to my office and grabbed my jacket and locked my purse in the safe of the shop. I met Daniel in the front. I locked the door behind us. I grabbed his arm as we started walking.

"So what is it?" I asked.

"I got the promotion." He said. I smiled at him.

"I'm very happy for you." I said.

"Yeah but, I have been notified from another firm which is around the corner from here the they are hiring for someone to manage a firm." He said smiling at me.

"And what does that mean?" I asked. Stopping from my tracks and looking at him.

"It means, I can stay here because the firm will be my own. I turned down the promotion in Edmonton." I smiled at him, but I was surprised.

"What? I mean congratulations!" I said wrapping my arms around him for a hug. "So does that mean we can actually go out on an actual date?" I said.

"Yes, but we still need to attend my firms event." He said.

"I accepted your invitation so my guess is I will see you there." I said looking at him.

"Good." He said leaning down to kiss me.

I smiled at him, we walked hand in hand to the cafe.

__________________________________________5 years later______________

"Hey Jessica, Mr and Mrs Davidson are here to see you." My assistant popped her head from my office door.

"Please let them in." I said smiling up at her.

As the enetered they smiled and sat down.

"Good Morning Jessica."

"How are you two doing?" I asked.

"Good, we want to get tickets to Alaska next." They said.

"Okay no problem, I can set that up for you right now." I said typinon the computer.

"How is your husband?" Mrs. Davidson asked.

"He's good I'm about to meet him for lunch in a bit." I said smiling at the wedding photo of me and Daniel together.

"Aren't you guys cute." She said.

"Okay you guys are booked just log in and pick a date and I will email a receipt of the cost and just remember sign and scan or just come by." I said.

"Okay thank you sweetheart, see you very soon."

I saw my assistant walking towards my office, I looked up and smiled at her."

"What's up?" I asked.

"Daniels here." She said.

"Okay, thank you." I said. I grabbed my things and smiled at him.

"Ready?" Daniel asked.

"Like always." I said smiling and kissing him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said smiling.

*Okay I know this is short but again this was suppose to be a short story so u made the ending like a wrap up I'm sorry it took long UI m back at school so I'm sorta busy so please bare with me. Love you all and don't forget to vote and comment.*

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