Chapter 2

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Nathan POV:

*A few weeks later*

The song had come out a couple weeks ago and it was a hit! But as you can imagine, there had been rumours like Ariana and I were dating or I was splitting with the boys so I can have a solo career. To be honest, I would never split with the boys so I can go solo, I couldn’t do that to myself, or them. I hadn’t even met Ariana and people thought we were dating. Well I met her on Skype calls with her and Scooter, but not in person. But we were shooting the video so I was pretty excited. I woke up at around 9 and I had a shower and got dressed. I left the hotel and began searching for the nearest Starbucks.

I finally arrived at a Starbucks a few blocks away and walked in, I ordered my coffee and waited a few minutes while it was being made. After my coffee was handed to me I sat down at a table for a couple minutes just to check on twitter, I got heaps of mentions from both Ariana’s and my fans talking about their excitement for the video. I smiled at some of the tweets my fans send me, I loved them so much! I favourite a few tweets and then began writing my own.

Shooting Almost is Never Enough video today with the wonderful @arianagrande… so excited :)

I sent out the tweet and within seconds I was receiving a heaps of notifications. I looked at the time, 10:45, I had to be at the shoot in 15 minutes. I put my phone in my pocket and exited the shop, making my way to the set.

Ariana POV:

I was in my dressing room getting ready for the video. I was wearing a simple white dress and I styling my hair in my usual “half up, half down to the side” style. I looked at my phone and saw the photo of me and Jai on my lock screen. I loved Jai, I really did, but lately he seemed kind of distant from me. I didn’t think we were the same as we used to be. We didn’t have that spark anymore.

I looked up at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. I didn’t ask for all of this, I didn’t ask for all the attention, all the press, all the drama. I just wanted to do what I love, without all the fuss. But I guess that’s not how it goes. Even with my friends and family and my wonderful fans, I still felt alone. I needed someone, someone that really understood what it was like.

I snapped back into reality and I saw someone standing behind me at the door through the mirror. I turned around and they walked into the room “I’m sorry if I bothered you, I was told to tell you that were are starting in five minutes” I giggled “it’s fine, thank you” I said. “So I’m just going to go now and let you get ready or whatever” he said awkwardly while making his way out. “oh it’s fine, I’m ready anyway” I got out of my chair and walked up to him “So you’re the man behind that wonderful voice, I presume…nice to finally meet you Nathan” he smiled at me “nice to meet you too Ariana” he reached his hand out to shake my hand “don’t be silly” I said, pulling him in for a friendly hug.

When our bodies touched, I felt a spark inside of me, kind of like an electric shock. It was almost like we perfectly fit in each other’s arms. All of a sudden, I didn’t want to let go. We pulled away and I smile at him “so we should probably go now” I said and we both made our way to the set.

“Wait Ariana, what are you thinking? You’re with Jai, you can’t be thinking about another guy” I thought while I mentally slapped myself on the face.

Who knew how much a hug could change things, just like that.

Nathan POV:

When I arrived to the set, I tried looking around to see Ariana so I could finally introduce myself. I was disrupted by Scooter who walked up to me “Hey Nath, you’re here! Uhh can you go to Ariana’s dressing room and tell her we are starting in 5 minutes” and then he walked off. But where was her dressing room? I sighed and began walking down a hallway.

At the end of the hallway, I could hear a girl humming. I walked closer to the beautiful sound and saw Ariana sitting at a mirror applying her makeup.

Wow, she was breathtaking!

I couldn’t help but be totally mesmerised by he beauty, my eyes were locked on her. I don’t know how long I was there but she must have noticed because she turned around. I snapped out of my trance and walked in the room. “I’m sorry if I bothered you, I was told to tell you that were are starting in five minutes” I say trying to think of an excuse for why I was just standing there. She let out a giggle “it’s fine, thank you” I figured that she didn’t want me there because she was getting ready so I starting walking back to the hallway, still facing her. I awkwardly excuse myself “so I’m just going to go now and let you get ready or whatever” she got up from her chair “oh it’s fine, I’m ready anyway”

“So you’re the man behind that wonderful voice, I presume… nice to finally meet you Nathan” I couldn’t help but smile “nice to meet you too Ariana” I extend out my arm for her to shake my hand “don’t be silly” she cooed, pulling me in for a hug.

We pulled away but I didn’t want to. Even though I hardly knew this girl, it just felt so right holding her in my arms. I never wanted to let her go. We stood in silence for a moment “so we should probably get going” she walked out the room and I followed her, totally captivated by her.

I was falling for Ariana Grande.

I promised myself, that one day, I’ll make her mine. 

***So i dont know if i should keep updating this story or not. Please tell me if i should...***

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