Lost and Not Found pt. 3

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"Is this the place?" Sam asked, looking out the impala window. They were parked in front of an old house that looked like it hadn't been used in years. The windows were boarded up, and the paint on the outside seemed worn down by years of weather. against the darkness of the sky, it definitely didn't look friendly.
"Yeah, looks like it."
"Dean, nobody has been here for decades, i don't think the girls are in there." Sam said.
"Well it's worth a look. Where the hell is Castiel." Dean asked.
"He said he'd be right here after he finished some angel stuff."
"His girlfriend gets kidnapped and is probably sitting in there being tortured but no, angel shit comes first." Dean scoffed.
"What a way to think." Sam rolled his eyes and got out of the impala, followed by Dean. They started walking for the door when Dean stopped in his tracks and looked at the ground.
"Do these look like tire tracks to you?" Dean asked, shining his flashlight to the ground.
"Someone was here." Sam mumbled and ran to the steps of the house.
"Woah, watch it, there could still be people in there!" Dean called after him. "I know you're excited to get Jade back, but we still need to be smart about this. If those sons of bitches took down our girls then they must be tough, or there must be a lot of them." Dean grabbed Sam by the shoulder. "Let's go get our stuff from the trunk, give Castiel another call, and get inside."
"Whatever." Sam said, and made his way to the trunk. They got out their weapons and Sam gave Castiel a call.
"Hello Sam"
"Castiel, where the hell are you?" Sam asked.
"I've almost finished up with my angel business, and I assure you that I will be there as soon as this is over." and with that Castiel hung up.
"Seriously Cas?" Sam said, putting his phone in his pocket.
"What the hell happened? Is he coming?" Dean asked, closing the trunk.
"As soon as his 'angel business' is taken care of he'll make his way down here." Sam sighed and Dean groaned in impatience.
"Do we wait for him to get his feathery ass down here?"
"I don't think we have much of a choice." The boys made their way around the house, checking for other entry points, or suspicious activity. They met in front of the house and waited for Castiel.
     "Is this where Maddi is?" Castiel asked, making the boys jump and spin around.
     "Well you took your sweet time." Dean said. Castiel rolled his eyes.
     "That doesn't answer my question Dean. Is Madison in there or not?" Dean glared at Castiel, and opened his mouth to argue, but Sam stepped in between them.
     "That's what we're thinking, we haven't been in there yet, but we're hoping all of the girls are in there." Sam handed Castiel a machete, and turned to the house. Castiel pushed past the two boys and made his way up the stairs, and tried to open the door. Sam and Dean followed.
     "Is it locked?" Dean asked when Castiel stepped away from the door.
      "And angel warded." Castiel said.
     "Son of a bitch." Dean mumbled under his breath. "Okay, well I'll kick the door in, go tear up some angel warding and we can look for the girls, deal?" Sam and Castiel nodded their heads and backed away from the door. Dean took a few steps back, and went to go kick the door in, but before he could, it was broken down. Jade flew through the front, carrying the two kids. She ran down the front steps, and Sam followed, calling after her.
     "JADE!" Sam yelled. Jade stopped in her tracks and turned around. Sam ran up to her, and grabbed her head and gave her a kiss. "Oh thank god you're okay. I was so worried." Sam said.
     "Shut the hell up and go help Claire and Maddi!" Jade yelled, putting the kids down and pushing Sam away.
     "What's going on in there?" Dean called from the front. Inside they heard yelling and crashing, and Castiel ran up to the door.
"MADISON! ARE YOU OKAY!" Castiel yelled.
• • •
"Good fucking luck." Claire sneered, pinning Anna to the ground. The woman writhed under Claire, trying to break herself free. Maddi slipped into consciousness once again, and found herself on the ground. She struggled to pick herself up, and grabbed onto a nearby crate.
     "MADISON! ARE YOU OKAY!" Madison looked up and around for Castiel, but didn't see him.  Claire's head whipped around and looked for Castiel as well, and Anna took this chance to break free and trade spots with Claire. Anna grabbed the nearest broken piece of the chair and held it to Claire's chest. Maddi got to her knees, and the world around her spun, her head felt light, and her empty stomach was threatening to spill whatever was in it. She looked over to Claire, and saw her struggling to get out of Anna's grasp.
"You're friends can come for you, but they aren't going to find much but their two beloved girls, dead on the ground." Anna laughed out. Maddi stood up, and leaned against the crate for balance.
"Claire.." she whispered. Anna dug the wooden piece farther into Claire's chest, breaking skin. Claire mumbled curse words, tears stinging her eyes, but she refused to let them show.
"Poor, poor girls. Just trying to follow the big men's leads. Of course you can't do this job as well as them, can you? They were born into it, but so was Madison I suppose. But the two big boys sheltered her from the big bad monsters of the world, but she was determined to follow in the big brothers foot steps. And right out of 10th grade, she dragged her two best friends down this sad path with her. And now you're here, about to die. Why didn't you stay those years ago, Claire? Why did you decide to follow Madison? You could have been so much better off, you could have been anything. Now, it's too late, you're an outlaw, you live your life in dirty motels, that stupid cramped impala, and in grimy bars where you drink your self loathing and depression away until all you feel is numb and alcohol induced bliss. What kind of life is that?" Anna dug the wood into her chest deeper, and Claire cried out.
"You bitch! It's the life I chose to live!" Claire cried, trying to wiggle out of Anna's weight. "You're one to talk about living shitty lives. What about you?" Anna twisted the wood in the wound and Claire cried out once again. "You're husband got turned, and instead of letting you and your kids live normal peaceful lives, he turned you and let your kids watch."
"Shut the hell up." Anna sneered, twisting the wound further.
"He locked you in the basement of his family's abandoned farm with your kids, and he let's them watch as people die around them." Anna pushed it in further, and Claire's vision began to darken and blur. "I save lives, I help people, and I get rid of the scum that threatens the peace of this world. I get rid of you." Claire spat. Anna pulled the wood out of Claire and raised it above her head.
"I am not scum you bitch! You are!"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Claire said, tears falling from her eyes freely now. Anna growled out angrily, and started to swing the wooden piece downwards, but before it even touched Claire, she fell to the side. Anna slumped over on the floor unconscious, and Claire looked up to find Maddi dropping the back of the broken chair to the ground. Maddi collapsed and Claire sat up, flinching at the pain of her wound.
"Maddi? Holy shit are you okay?" Claire asked. Dean ran down the stairs and looked around the room. He spotted Claire and Maddi and ran to them.
"Maddi! Claire!" He yelled. "Guys they're down here!"
"Maddi has lost a lot of blood, Dean! Is she going to make it?" Claire asked, crying.
"Maddi?" Dean shook Maddi, but she didn't respond. "Goddamn it." he mumbled. Dean looked up to Claire and noticed her bleeding chest. "What the fuck happened to you?" Castiel ran down the stairs and immediately his gaze fell upon Maddi and Claire.
"Maddi? No, fuck!" he ran over to Maddi and attempted to heal her.
"Castiel, can you help her?" Claire asked. Castiel looked up at Claire and saw her wound.
"She's hurt badly, it's going to take a lot out of me. Let me heal you first." Castiel reached over to touch her forehead, but Claire backed away.
"Heal her, use all you have on her, I'll make it, I'm not sure about her." Claire said. Dean grabbed Claire's wrist and forced her to look at him.
"Let him heal you for the love of god!" he yelled, tears forming in his eyes. Castiel reached over again and placed two fingers to Claire's temple. Claire flinched at first, the pain of her wound flaring up quite a bit, but after a second, a warm and tingling feeling came over her in waves. She looked down to her chest, and watched as the wound closed up. Castiel removed his fingers from her temple and Claire took a deep breath, happy to be relieved of her pain. But her happiness was short lived when she opened her eyes and was brought back to the situation in front of her.
     "We need to get out of here, we called an ambulance for the girls upstairs." Sam said. Dean, Castiel, and Claire looked back to the door and there stood Jade and Sam.
     "What about the vamps?" Dean asked, helping Claire to her feet.
    "Those girls upstairs are in bad shape, if we wait any longer they're going to die." Sam said.
     "We came here to do a job Sam, we can't-"
     "He's right Dean, we can get these guys at anytime, but those girls upstairs aren't going to make it long." Castiel said. Dean sighed in defeat and looked back at Jade and Sam.
     "What about the kids? We can't just leave them." Jade said.
     "They're coming with." Everyone stared at Dean shocked. "We can't leave them here, their parents are vampires. There's nothing left for them here, their parents are as good as dead."
     "But where would we take them?" Jade asked.
     "We'll figure that out when we get there, just first let's get out of here." Everyone nodded their heads, and Sam glanced over to the floor by Castiel.
     "Fuck, Madison!" he yelled and ran over to where she was laying. "What happened to her?"
     "She was hanging from the ceiling when I woke up, and she's been in and out of consciousness ever since we've been here." Claire said, kneeling next to her. Sam took Maddi's arm and rolled up her sleeve, and revealed needle marks where her veins are.
     "Looks like they were doing the same thing to her as the girls upstairs." Sam said, running his fingers over the marks on her arm. Maddi flinched at the touch, and Sam pulled his hand back. "Cas, do you think you can zap Maddi back to the bunker and heal her?" he asked, standing up.
     "I can do that." Castiel said. Claire backed up from Maddi, and buried her head into Deans chest. Castiel picked Maddi up, and gave a small smile to everyone in the room. "Please take the kids and get out of here." And with that, Castiel and Maddi were gone.
     "Dean she's going to be okay, right?" Claire asked, trying to fight back tears. Dean stroked Claire's head, and she buried it further into his chest.
     "She's going to make it, I trust Castiel. He wouldn't let anything happen to her." Dean said, trying to soothe Claire. Sam walked towards the bounds on the ground and looked up. He saw a large hook where Maddi was being hung.
     "If she was hanging over here, how'd she end up on the ground over by you?" Sam asked. Claire looked over to Sam, and removed herself from Deans chest.
     "Jade got her down, but she was still unconscious when she hit the floor. Then Anna got the best of me and was about to kill me, and the next thing I know, Maddi is standing above me and Anna was slumped over. And then she collapsed." Claire said, wiping tears from her eyes.
     "Guys, we need to go." Dean said. "We can talk about this in the car." Everyone ran up the stairs and to the impala. When they got there the boy and the little girl were huddled by the car, trying to keep warm from the harsh sting of the night. Jade walked up to the kids and kneeled down.
     "Do you guys want to go for a road trip with us?" Jade asked, smiling as sweetly as she could. The little girl remained quiet and the boy shook his head. Jade hung her head, and looked back up at the kids. "I know you're scared, and you have every reason to be. And I also know that we're strangers, and that your mom and dad probably taught you not to get into cars with strangers, and you're very smart for knowing that. But I need you guys to come with us, I promise we are only trying to help. It's not safe here for you guys, and we just want to take you somewhere you'll be safe." The little girl hid behind her big brother, and Dean and Sam watched as he pushed her behind him, hiding her from the potential danger.
     "I want to go to my mom and dad." The boy said. Dean walked up behind Jade and laid his hand on her back.
     "Let me try." He whispered in her ear. She turned to him and gave him a worried look.
     "No offense Dean, but I don't think I've ever seen you be good with kids." she said.
     "I fathered Ben for awhile." Dean argued.
     "Look how that ended." Jade said bitterly. Dean looked back over to the kids, and Jade looked to the ground. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that, it's just I'm worried and-" 
     "You're fine, just please let me try." Dean said, still watching as the little girl tried to poke her head out and look at what was happening, but the brother wouldn't let her. Jade saw, and looked at Dean, then back at Sam who was also watching and wore the same worried expression. She understood, and backed up. She walked over to Sam and took his hand. Dean knelt down in front of the boy, and looked at him for a second.
     "What's your name?" Dean asked. The boy looked down to the ground, and kept silent. "Come on, you can tell me." Dean said, giving an airy fake laugh. "My name is Dean Winchester. See? Now you know my name, now you don't have to tell me your whole name, but I'd at least like to know your first."
     "Damon." The boy said, practically whispering.
     "Damon?" Dean asked, and the boy nodded. "Well it's nice to meet you, Damon. What's your sisters name?" The boys gaze shot up to Dean, and he stood straighter, as if to hide his sister from him.
     "You don't need to know." Damon said.
     "No I don't, but I'd like to." The boy still refused to give up the name of his sister, and Dean sighed. "I have a little sister too, her name is Madison. She's a pain in my ass-erm I mean butt." The boy laughed a bit, and Dean smiled. "Ever since we were little she's annoyed me, pushed my buttons, made me want to yell and throw something at her. But I love her, and I would protect her with everything I've got in me. And I have, ever since I was young. I protected her and I tried to protect my brother Sam from the life my dad lived." Damons gaze fell back to the ground. "See my dad dealt with the monsters in this world, kind of like the monsters you saw today. But there's way worse monsters out there, and because I was the oldest out of the kids I had to help my dad out with taking them out. I took it upon myself to try to shelter my siblings from this life, to hide them from all danger. My brother, unfortunately got sucked in anyways, a lot younger than I wished he would. And with his help, we did everything we could to hide Madison from it all. She was our precious little sister, we didn't want anything to touch her, to corrupt her, to make her any less innocent than she was already. I failed at protecting her from this life, especially today. She was hurt badly by the monsters that were after you today." Dean choked up, and Damon shifted on his feet, and reached back for his little sister. "I know you're just trying to do the same, Damon. I respect you for it, but trust me, I'm not a danger to you or your little sister. And these people behind me aren't either, in fact we are help. We want to help you protect her, but I need you guys to come with us." Sirens in the distance started to sound.
     "We need to go guys." Claire said, opening the impala door. Damon looked back up at Dean.
     "Her name is Isabella." Damon said, taking his sisters hand and leading her to stand in front of him. Isabella shyly smiled up at Dean, and he held out his hands. Damon gave her a nudge forward and Isabella walked up to Dean, and grabbed one of his hands. Damon grabbed the other.
     "Will you come with us?" Dean asked again.
     "If you can protect Isabella." Damon said.
"And you." Dean led the kids to the back of the impala and sat them in between of Claire and Jade. Dean closed the door and jumped into the front and sped off. As they drove down the dirt road, ambulances passed by and Dean looked in the rear view mirror. Damon was holding Isabella close to him, and he looked up and met Deans gaze. Dean gave a small smile, and Damon just looked down at Isabella. Dean looked to his brother and back at the road.
                                  • • •
     Castiel laid Maddi on the bed and she groaned. "You're gonna be alright, I promise." Maddi breathed heavily, and Castiel ran his hand over her forehead. "Fever." He whispered. Castiel peeled off Maddi's shirt, dried blood sticking the shirt to her skin. He then removed her pants, leaving her in her underwear. He went to the bathroom and wet a washcloth and used it to wipe the dried blood and dirt off of her. "I shouldn't of let this happen to you." Castiel said, wiping the washcloth across a cut in her stomach and she flinched and groaned. "My apologies." He whispered, using more caution around her cuts.
     "I knew this was a bad idea. I should have followed my angel instincts. They have been reliable before, believe it or not." Castiel wrung out the washcloth in the sink and rewet it, continuing his work on her skin. "I know getting hurt is part of the job, I know that putting yourself in risky situations is part of how you do your job, but every time I see you like this I can not bear it. I watch as the light of your soul dims, as it struggles to stay put in this fragile body of yours. You have such a big and bright soul, it shines through your skin and lights up every room you walk into. People are drawn to it, I am drawn to it. It quite possibly is the most beautiful thing i have ever laid eyes on." Castiel wrung out the washcloth once again and threw it in the sink, being satisfied with his work. He walked over to Maddi's dresser and pulled out a pair of pajama shorts and a tee shirt she stole from when he was human. He carefully bandaged her wounds, and slipped her into the clothes. He put her under the covers, and she sighed and reached beside her.
     He removed his trench coat, shoes, jacket and tie and laid beside her in bed. He moved so that she was resting at his side, and he moved her hair out of her face, and to the side. "Not only is your soul beautiful, but so is the fragile temple that is your body. I'm quite sure my father spent extra care when he made you. Your features quite possibly perfectly reflect who you are, your soul." Castiel placed two fingers to Maddis temple and started to heal her.
     "Your red hair depicts your fieriness, stubbornness, and your hot headed temper when you get angry enough." Castiel watched as his grace found his way to her wounds, slowly healing them. "Your blue eyes let your shyness, indecisiveness, and sadness show through unfortunately. Every feeling you try your best to hide from me and the others are seen. But they also show your love, the adoration you have for your friends who are practically your sisters, and your brothers. And even more special, at least to me, they show your love and adoration for me. For some reason beyond me, they shine when I am around you, they tell me just how much you love me, and I can watch as you fall even more. I watch as they light up when you are excited, or dull when you are tired." Maddi reached for Castiel, and pulled herself into him.
     "Your smile is so bright, I love it when you smile. Your smile alone could-" Castiel was startled by his phone ringing, and he stopped his healing to answer.
     "Is Madison alright?"
     "I am healing her at the moment. She seems to be better." Castiel said.
     "I was so worried." Dean sighed on the other end of the phone. Castiel started to feel woozy, and his grace started to weaken. "I can't thank you enough man. I owe you."
     "You do not owe me anything Dean. How far away are you from being home?" Castiel asked, leaning against the headboard.
     "We should be there in a day or two. We still need to figure out what to do with the kids." Castiel sighed and rested his head back.
     "Well if you require any assistance let me know."
     "I will, but please just take care of Madison. Right now she's the top priority."
     "I understand. Take care Dean." Castiel hung up the phone and laid beside Maddi again and continued to heal her. After he finished, he listened as her breathing steadied, and he felt her forehead. "You'll feel a little dizzy for a bit, but you'll be alright now." Castiel played with Maddis hair, and she snuggled herself into him.
     "Castiel..." she whispered. He leaned down and kissed her head.
     "I'm here."

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more 😄

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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