|2| The Morning After

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I groaned loudly, the sunlight hitting my closed eyelids. The light was piercing my closed eyes so I shifted onto my other side. There was this intense headache throbbing my whole cranium right now. It was like I was being awakened for school. But I don't have any classes today, it's Saturday. However, there still was some kind of ringing besides the one going on in the back of my head. The ringing was accompanied by a buzz. I took my phone out my bra and swiped it to answer it, putting it to my ear.


"Bettina, where you at?!" the voice questioned through the phone. It was Paula. It was only right that she'd be concerned about me after last night. She knew I didn't do that type of shit often at all. I stretched my arms under the sheets, refusing to remove them from my head. I planned on laying here for a while.

"Home. Why what's up?"

"Stop playing, where are you?"

"I told you, I'm home Paula"

"Come open the door then."

I groaned.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty. Get ya ass up and answer the door."

I sucked my teeth and inched my way to the edge of the bed.I guess I took too much of an inch over because before I knew it, my already sore body crashed onto the floor.

"Oh shit, you good?" a masculine voice from above said. I yanked the covers from my face and my eyes bulged out of my skull.

"What the-"

"BITCH, WHO THE FUCK IS THA-" Paula managed to say before my phone beeped twice. I cursed under my breath and looked around. Paula was right, I'm not home

"Where am I? W-who are you?" I spat at the guy. He looked real familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who exactly he was. If I can't identify who he is, I must be in big trouble.

"Relax, I'm not gon' hurt you," he said backing up a bit. He sat on the couch diagonal from where I laid. Quickly, I got to my feet, without picking up the sheets with me. Bad choice.

"I might have to hurt something else though if you keep pursuing me like this," he said, his thick lips curled into a smirk. I laughed nervously, splattering my hands across my body to cover myself. I looked down and started to hope that somehow, clothing would just teleport onto my body. Surprisingly, that's what happened... kinda.

"Here, you can keep it." he held out a supreme box logo tee to me and a pair of briefs. At first, I didn't want to take it at all but from the looks of it, the articles of clothing were gently worn. Who is this guy?

"I'm Jacques by the way," he said making his way back to the couch, "And this is la temporary casa de La Flame"

He sat down again and I looked at him. He was on his phone so now was the perfect time to eye him down, just in case he's a serial kidnapper or something. Well, that'd be unlikely because he just told me his name, but then again you never know. He was slim but his arms looked a little built. From above, I could see his face which was quite sculpted. His raised cheekbones were probably a pair a Kardashian has almost killed themselves over. He had dark brown eyes and a little stubble hovering above his lip. I don't know if he did this purposely but he licked his lips. I was googly-eyed for a second but I caught myself.

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