|1| The Late Night

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"Zamn Mami!" is all I heard before I realized a flash beamed onto me. My intuition tells me it's Holly all geeked up on who knows what. It's also telling me that I'll be on her Snapchat story yet again. Whether it'd be Snapchat or Instagram, Holly's always ready to upload something to the internet. Only limits she has against that is on if she looks "presentable" or not. I don't know why she questions it, she's beautiful to me. In some sense, she's not your average white girl. Her hair's dyed white as snow right now and she has these goddess-like viridescent eyes. The only thing that I could see her having a problem about are the bags growing under her eyes. I really hope it's not from the drugs.

"Werk it gurlll!" she says with a melodic tone to the current song booming throughout the room. Her enthusiasm snaps me back into reality and I whip around to face the camera of Holly's iPhone. Flashing a subtle smile, I keep my eyes halfway closed to shove away the risk of becoming any bit blinder than I am already. I feel like something's missing. I'm supposed to be 'hoeing' tonight with Holly and the rest of our friends. My best friend, Paula, is missing in action tonight, though. She's the one that can anchor the 'hoe' out of me. I'll make an attempt to abide by these rules Holly set up... for now.

Like a deer in the headlights, I hesitate to move an inch. But then my back crunches in and suddenly I'm doing it. I'm arching my back all for the love of Holly's Snapchat viewers. Holly's green irises flash up from her phone and point at me. One of her eyebrows is cocked up and her pouty lips curve into a smirk. It erupts laughter out of me and quickly I hover my hand over my mouth out of habit. I don't find the face I make while laughing a tad bit attractive. Quite frankly, I find it demonic.

The flash from Holly's phone shuts off and my comfort struts right back in. She turns her phone's screen around to me, allowing me to see what the camera saw. I looked good. I had to rewatch it again just to assure that there was nothing off with me. Again, I looked good. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"Betti, do you want me to go fetch you a drink? You could use one girlfriend!" Holly insists before chuckling. Grinning, I shook my head with a bundle of disaproval. There's no way I was going to drink tonight. My eyes darted down to the floor, executing another habit of mine.

"No than-" I started to say before I looked up. Holly's face was wrinkled into a sour scowl. I smiled sheepishly.

"On second thought.. sure. Why not?" I spoke over the speakers booming music all over the room. The beams of purple and blue lights illuminated on me, weaving their way through the persistent strobe lights. I wonder what it felt like in this scene while high. I could conclude Holly was enjoying herself by the way she danced away afterward. Her mind was in a whole different world. I wish I could feel the same way. Well, actually I did when I saw how thick she was. Again, this is not your average white girl. Besides that, I just want to not worry about things tonight. I mean, that's what they dragged me out here for.. right?

After Holly vanished, I was able to text my best friend without any interruptions.

Paula: you really gon' just read my text and not reply? // 10:31 PM

Paula: oh shit, my bad! i forgot you actually got out of the house tonight// 11:37 PM

Paula: are you dead tho? lmao // 11:49 PM

I sighed lightly, realizing I forgot to write her back. It was the damn abundance of interruptions coming my way, I swear. It's not like I was seeking them out or anything. I think I do need a little sip of something.

Me: my bad paul , haha // 11:51 PM

Me: and leave me alone, you know i be busy all the damn time // 11:51 PM

Paula: you better had been getting dicked down for as long as you've been ignoring me AND that shit better have been good too! // 11:53 PM

Me: whatever lmao. if i die tonight, you know exactly where i'm at // 11:55 PM

Paula: you ain't gon' die Bettina, everything is going to be alright. the only way you might die is if you catch some good dick // 11:57 PM

I laughed for a second because Paul was just a hot ass mess but she was worth it. I was ready to text her back but then I felt someone's hands on my waist.

"Ayo Ma!" a rough voice whispers into my ear. I whip my head around to see Layla. Layla is always joking around. She seems a little geeked too so who knows how much playing around she'll be doing tonight. I just chuckled and danced on her. I just met her a month ago but right now I felt good enough to throw it back on her. I proceeded on until I felt her smack my ass. With a frown, I looked over my shoulder to see her smirking. She giggled up a storm once I stopped and went back to my comfort zone. People like this make me not want to do shit like I just did. I sighed lightly, wanting to go home.

Holly approaches me with some drink in her hand that reaches out to me. I take the drink from her, sipping away at its bittersweet flavor. A slight fizz tickles my upper lip as I hold the cup to my lips and drink from it. After a second taste, it doesn't taste half bad. Holly holds her hand out to me, beckoning me to join her on the dance floor. Without hesitation, I downed the rest of the drink. It burned my throat but made me feel more situated into the wave the whole club carried.

On the dance floor, I danced freely. First I was grinding against Holly. Eventually, her ass was on me instead. My right had maneuvered over to her left side like I did this often, which I did, in fact, want do often. I didn't even feel like myself right now. It's like I was living in an alternate mindset. It felt good to not worry about anything.

"Come with me" Holly whispered into my ear before grabbing my hand. She led me to the bar and ordered a round of shots. We downed them all together before going to the dance floor. My legs felt like they had a mind of its own by the time we got back to where we were on the dance floor. When we got back there, we danced on. The strobe lights were no longer fast but they were mesmerizing. I had to close my eyes for a bit as I danced to prevent myself from feeling totally lost. As I did this, I started to grind harder. It wasn't on anybody at the moment but my body felt like it was unwinding it's all of it's tense out into the night. When I opened my eyes again Holly was gone.

Eventually, I felt someone grab onto my waist again. Those hands were Layla's, but whatever I felt pressed against my ass couldn't have belonged to Layla. Biting on my lip, I looked back. My eyes were hardly staying open, but I was on fire. I turned back to see a hidden face. The face was covered by the shadows cast by the dad hat he wore. The dad hat had some kind of circular emblem on it, but I couldn't pay attention to it for that long. The view of the guy's tongue gliding over his thick lips caught my attention. I smirked at him and started to grind down slower and harder. He didn't seem like he was pulling away anytime soon. This night finally seemed to be falling into its place.

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