24. Thereokinesis (Part 1)

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"Please," Nazira came over and stood beside me, her talking pet hiding its face in her hair, "Let him do it."

I couldn't believe she said that and I wondered if she even had an idea about Shourya working for Shashi.

"Do what?" I asked, nonplussed.

She looked back at Shourya without answering me.

For about a minute Shourya let his blood flow through Pruthvi's mouth and it was the only minute I had before I lost Pruthvi for ever. Gradually, Shourya pulled his hand back and let Pruthvi rest on the floor.

"A battle is running inside his body," said Shourya standing up and looking down at my friend dubiously, "Give him a few seconds."

"I don't have even a second...."

"STOP BEING CURIOUS ALL THE TIME!" He snarled, glaring at me, and I flinched. "Why can't you ever watch and learn?"

I gaped at him like a fish, noticing his eyeballs that were eerily changing it's color to black.

And then in about a few seconds we were interrupted glaring at each other by a deep gasping sound.

I fanatically looked down. Pruthvi's eyes were back to be all lively. He groaned and pulled himself to a seated position coughing, inhaling and exhaling heavily through his mouth.

"Pruthvi!" I cried, falling down beside him with utmost elation I ever had, wiping blood out of his chin.

"I..I am hungry," he said, sounding scratchy and raw, holding his stomach.

"Are...are you okay?" I asked, my eyes beginning to fill, watching him so alive and breathing once again.

"No, I am hungry," he repeated, pulling his glasses and rubbing his eyes. "Eww... did I just drink blood? It tastes horrible!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, hearing his voice slowly getting back to normal. I slightly pulled back to finally let my nerves go down and cool my body.

My friend was back, and suddenly he looked more than fine to me, except feeling uncomfortable for drinking blood of...

I blinked, keeping my face expressionless, my brain forcing me to go back to my original curious state.

What the hell just happened?

I looked up at ask Shourya, but he wasn't standing in his former place anymore. I quickly stood to check on him. He was swiftly walking into the passageway trying to disappear yet again.

I wanted to know what he had done to Pruthvi. I wanted to know everything, everything about him. Even though he was Shashi's minion, he has always been there for us in all troublesome and dead-end situations. I couldn't miss this valuable opportunity for I might not get another one as of now anytime again. I looked down at Pruthvi, who was checking his shining emerald, and I made sure if he was really in a good condition, and then at Nazira. "Please look after Pruthvi... each other...whatever. I'll be right back."

As soon as she nodded, I dashed off after Shourya who was too much in a hurry. Firing my fingers to help myself with proper light, her face appearing and disappearing within a snap, I ran inside the passageway after him. I noticed Shourya taking the same aisles that led to Nazira's room. I had my doubts and I had to be cautious, looking here and there, for any kind of sudden ambush. It was Shourya after all, the kind of a trickster who was a master in setting traps.

He was crossing Nazira's room now and halted against the wall, opposite to the door.

"Shourya, wait. I just need to talk," I said, loudly.

(Book 3) Hayden Mackay and The Shaatrumani StoneWhere stories live. Discover now