Chapter Eight

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"I'm asking him if he knows anything about your sudden fall, since you obviously don't." 

Maroon felt guilt rise in her as she was now the one looking away. She didn't know why she passed out and would sure like to know, but she did know about her dream, or vision, or what ever it was she witnessed and felt. 

"Just tell me Maroon. Stop hiding what ever it is you know. Was it Viva? Did he attack you?" Caleb questioned angrily. He stepped closer, as if he was trying to intimidate her and protect her at the same time.

"Viva had nothing to do with it. He wouldn't hurt me. I don't know what happened. All I know is after you left, I felt dizzy so I decided to just come upstairs and rest. When I got here I must of collapsed or something. Then that is it." Maroon said truthfully, leaving out the dream part though.

"What about the pain part? Can you explain that?" Caleb said, looking down at her questionably.

"I-I-" Maroon stuttered.

"I told you Maroon. When you screamed about being in pain. What was that? And don't say you remember, because I know you are hiding something and I believe that is the very thing you are hiding. Just tell me. If it was Viva, you don't have to lie to protect him. Just tell me!" Caleb demanded, shouting by the end. Maroon flinched. 

"It wasn't Viva." Maroon whispered, "It was a woman." 

Caleb spun around form where he had walked and stared at Maroon. "A woman? Who? Someone from the pack? Was it Paisley?" Caleb questioned, his eyes turning dark and his body shaking. 

Maroon shook her head no, although part of her wanted to say yes just to get Paisley in trouble, but she didn't.

"No. I couldn't tell who she was, but she was kicking me." Caleb seemed to get angrier and walked over to take her hand.

"What do you mean? Someone was hurting you?" Caleb questioned, worry and protection in his blue eyes.

"I don't know. I think it was me." Maroon paused, closing her eyes and sighing. "She wasn't physically kicking me, but she was kicking someone else. I think it was me, only it felt like a memory."

Caleb's hand tightened in hers. "A memory? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I think the person the woman was kicking was me. Only when I was younger." Maroon paused, "I don't know. I don't really understand. I just know that every time the woman kicked– me or whomever the person she was hurting was, I felt the pain too. I can't really explain it." 

Caleb exhaled and seemed now lost in thought. Maroon sighed and waiting for Caleb to say or do something. Suddenly, Caleb grabbed Maroon's hand and started to pull her out of the room and downstairs. He pulled her all the way outside and towards another building. 

The build was was small, only one story and made of red bricks. Maroon struggled to keep up with Caleb continued to pull her towards the building. 

"What are you doing Caleb?" Maroon questioned, a little out of breath. Caleb ignored her and walked faster. 

They entered the building only to walk over to a simple wooden desk where a short, old man sat. The desk was empty of everything but a single pen and a small note card.

"I need you to pull up any information on a Maroon Baitmen." Caleb said, his hand still holding Maroon's as she tried to catch her breath. 

The old man nodded before writing Maroon's name on the paper. The paper suddenly disappeared and stacks of paper appeared. Maroon stared shocked at the paper, before the old man, who looked back at her bored and expressionless, before looking at Caleb. He nodded to the old man before taking the papers and dragging us out of the building all the way back to the house.

In Love With the EnemiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon