Leave this blue neighborhood, never knew loving could hurt this good

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The sound of Bucky's voice pulled Steve out of a deep sleep, causing him to groan as he irritably rolled over, shoving a pillow over his face.

"Steve!" His voice came again, louder as he entered their bedroom and proceeded to yank the pillow away from the blond.

Steve glared accusingly at his boyfriend, frustrated that he'd been woken up. "What." He grumbled, eying him carefully as he sat down on the bed.

"Babe," Bucky started, nail tapping against his thigh. "We don't have a suit for you."

Steve only blinked, staring in befuddlement at this unpredictable human who he was apparently very infatuated with. "Why would we need a suit?" Suppressing a yawn, Steve pulled the covers off of him, unable to hide his amusement as Bucky's gaze gradually drifted down to his stomach. "You know, we should go running."

Bucky stared at him as if he'd grown a second head.

"C'mon, it would be fun. Do you have any workout clothes? Under armor?"

Bucky snorted, rolling his eyes. "I cannot believe you, Steve. Really, how does the thought of running this early in the morning even slightly appeal to you?"

"Because..." Steve murmured, scooting over towards the other end of the bed where Bucky was sitting. "I'd get to see you," he whispered, voice low and husky as he licked his lips, a suggestive gleam in his eye. "all sweaty and out of breath when we're done."

"Jesus Steve, you really are insatiable." Despite his words, the gleam in Steve's gaze was reflected in Bucky's as he pulled the blond closer, smashing their lips together in desperation.

"Mhmm," Steve agreed after a moment, laughing softly as he pulled away, the taste of Bucky in his mouth. "So, running?"

Bucky sighed, cradling the blond's face in his hand and running a thumb over his lip. "If I say yes..." he hummed softly, leaning close enough so that their lips brushed. "Will I get to see more of this later tonight?"

Steve's face suddenly fell and he pulled away, mood evaporating into thin air. "Right. While you're on your way back to California."

He hadn't meant for his words to come out so harshly, but by the look on Bucky's face, they had definitely been received that way.

It quickly became apparent that Bucky had forgotten this was their last day together, and Steve watched as the brunettes face changed, sadness slowly filling his blue hues. That's the last thing in the world he ever wanted to do to him. "Baby, I'm sorry. God," he murmured, voice soft. "I just don't know how I'm going to live without you..."

Bucky sighed, taking the blond's hand and pulling them up close to his chest. "I love you, Steve. I love you with all my heart, and a few thousand miles apart is never going to change that." He sighed softly, meeting his gaze. "Do you understand?"

Steve nodded, tears forming in his eyes as he took the initiative to wrap him in his arms. After a moment holding each other, Steve finally broke the embrace, blue orbs shining once again. "So about that run, then?"

Bucky laughed, shaking his head. "That's disgustingly domestic, Stevie." He replied with a roll of his eyes.

"You didn't say no," Steve observed with a smirk.

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