New Roommate

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Ethan's POV

I looked at the girl in front of me next to Mark, She had beautiful h/c hair that brought out her e/c eyes that just made them sparkle. She was beautiful
"H-hey,I'm Ethan. Its cool to meet you" I said trying to act cool.
"Hey Ethan, I'm y/n. Nice hair by the way" she giggled and it was the cutest thing I've ever heard. Where has she been all my life?
"Well I have to go record a video, Ethan don't scare off y/n. I'll see ya guys in a bit" Mark joked
"See ya Mark" y/n said, she gave him a shy wave, with a side smile looking somewhat upset to see him go.
I waved to him as he left to the recording room.
"So y/n do you want to watch a movie or something?" I gulped hoping shed say yes
"Yea sure, I'd love that" she said smiling
I grabbed some blankets and we sat on the couch looking thew movies on Netflix
"Ohhhhh let's watch a Scary Movie, pleaseeeeeee" she pouted her lip acting like a child and then started laughing
"*laughs* yea" we scrolled threw the movies looking for a good one, I decided to break the silence "So how long have you known Mark" I asked looking at the TV
"Um- I've known him for as long as I can remember, but this is the first time I've seen him in 3 years. He moved here when I was 14. "
"So your 17 then? Cool" she's 10 years younger than Mark, how does she know him?
"Yea. Oh! Hey let's watch this movie!" She pointed to the human centipede
"Yea okay"
* Later durning the movie*
She closed her eyes "EKKK!" she put her head under the blanket in terror. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me leaving no space in between us. She took her head out of under the blanket and looked at me then she put her head on my chest, I felt her smile.
We cuddled together for the rest the movie.
The credits of the movie started, and she leaned off of me and looked me in the eyes, I stared back think wow she's beautiful, I couldn't help myself, i leaned in and kissed her .

Your POV

I stared in his eyes, he's so sweet, but then he kissed me, I put my hand on his, and kissed him back. I leaned in a little bit
"YESSSSS!" We hear a loud yell and we quickly back off of each other. We turn around, but no ones there. That's when I see Mark running into living room from his recording room "YES! I AM THE KING! THE KING OF 5 NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S!!!" He screams smiling
I stood up and walked towards Mark. I took my Snapback off. I stood up on my toes "Here's your Crown, your kingliness" I say laughing putting my snapback on him sideways. We laugh together and then says "First order as King come with me to get some food" "All right I'm down for that, Ethan? You coming? "
"yup!" He said jumping up from the couch. "Wow its past 7 already. Fucking timezones switching up on me " i laughed as did Ethan and mark.

Marks POV

"Okay you two get in the back of my car, I'll drive and the food can sit next to me. Y/N you wanna plug your phone in to the Aux cord and play some music?" I know she loves music, ever since she was young.
"Um hell yea, can't promise you'll like anything though"
She plays a song by Panic! At the disco called Death of a Bachelor. and then she starts singing and dancing like a goof. She looked at Ethan the whole time laughing as she sang.

Do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face
People have told me I don't look the same
Maybe I lost weight
I'm playing hooky, with the best of the best
Put my heart on my chest, so that you can see it too

She sings and gets every word right and sang the high part perfectly. I saw her grab Ethan's hand while singing he was blushing of course. I whispered to myself "I knew this would happen" smiling I started to sing all the words wrong and loudly. "HEY Y/N I'M SINGING THIS SO GOOOOODDDLLLLLYYYY!" She starts laughing, I've missed her so much.


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