Graduation Gone Wrong

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Okay, so in this assignment it was required that we had a couple of things.  1) Something embarrassing had to happen 2) The person had to be just graduating 3) It was after a thunderstrom

Enjoy! :p

It was almost the end of the year.  No more books, no more annoying teachers, and no more annoying classmates for a whole summer!  Lena laid back on her hammock, just enjoying the warm summer air.  Eventually she fell asleep.  Dreaming of her new freedom, she never wanted to wake.

To her reluctance, Lena was startled out of her slumber by raindrops.  “Oh no!” she thought. “This will ruin the graduation tonight!”

Running through the now pouring rain, Lena grabbed her ringing cell phone and answered it inside her house.

“Hello?” asked a frazzled Lena

“Yes!  This is Dr. Hertz, the superintendent of the Hill Community School.  I was just calling to remind you that graduation is at 7:00 tonight at the city park.  I listened in on some of the afternoon news and heard that the storm should be done by then.”

“Ok!  Sounds gre-”

Dr. Hertz interrupted Lena by hanging up the phone.

Weird. Lana thought.

At 6:30 Lena left her house to drive to the city park.  Once she got there, she was greeted by her other classmates wearing their graduation robes, along with the graduation hats.  After enough people had assembled to create an audience, the superintendent started calling out the names of Lena’s classmates.  Because he was going in alphabetical order, Lena Zzarx was last.

When she was finally called up on stage, she shook the Superintendent's hand which had a clown’s hand-buzzer in it.  Lena then proceeded to trip over her feet, and land on her face in front of the whole crowd.  Even though she didn’t know it at the time, this would be the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to her in her whole life.  Feeling the drops again, Lena looked up to the sky.  There were massive thunder clouds circling in the air above her.

She could feel her hair rising as the lightning was about to strike.  The next few moments happened extremely fast.  Lena saw Dr. Hertz standing behind a machine that was sending zaps of electronic waves into the recent grad students.  The effect of his acts were similar to the students being shocked by lightning.  Lena laid on the ground, playing dead, as the charred and twitching bodies of recent classmates littered the ground.

Searching for signs of more life, Dr. Hertz was still sending out the lightning.  Hearing only the silent sounds of long-gone life satisfied him enough to start leaving.  After he had turned his back, Lena got up, and darted behind the nearest tree.  Right as the superintendent was getting into his car, Lena’s cell phone went off.  Not wanting Dr. Hertz to see, she quickly answered it.

“Hello?” asked a frazzled Lena

“Yes!  This is Dr. Hertz, the superintendent of the Hill Community School.  I was just calling to remind you that graduation is at 7:00 tonight at the city park.  I was listened in on some of the afternoon news and heard that the storm should be done by then.”

“Ok!  Sounds gre-”

Dr. Hertz interrupted Lena by hanging up the phone.

Weird. Lana thought.

She had received the same exact call from him that morning.  Was this another one of Dr. Hertz’s evil schemes?  Looking out from behind the tree, Lena was wondering if Dr. Hertz had heard her.  To her reassurance, no one was standing next to his car.  She gave out a quick sigh of relief.  Lena looked down at her phone again.  11:59 A.M.  This is strange.... Lena thought.  I must have time travelled again.

Looking up, she was back at her house laying on the hammock.  Outraged over her classmate’s deaths, she knew that somehow she had to take revenge on Dr. Hertz.  She had taken a class on explosives in elementary school, so she knew enough on how to kill a person.  All she would need was the superintendents phone.

After looking up his address in the local phone book, Lena drove to his residence.  Being the sneaky high school student that she was, she went in the back door instead of the one up front.  Seeing him asleep on the couch made her smile.  He was so unsuspecting.  Grabbing his phone out of the front pocket of his shirt, she hooked up around 50 pounds of C-4.

Lena giggled at her evil plan.  Dr. Hertz must have heard her, because he rolled over in his sleep then jolted awake.  Luckily, Lena had made her way outside and was watching him through her binoculars before he could even get a glimpse of her.  Then he was startled by his ringing phone.  Not noticing the massive amount of C-4 while bringing it to his ear cost him his life.

“Hello?” asked a frazzled Dr. Hertz

“Yes!  This is Lena, the only senior alive at the Hill Community School.  I was just calling to remind you that graduation at 7:00 was totally lame, even though it was at the city park.  Also, I listened to some of tomorrows news and heard that the superintendent of the school was killed.”

“What!? This must be a...-”

Lena interrupted Dr. Hertz by activating the explosives.  His skull shattered as the rest of his annihilated head flew in random directions.

Weird. Lana thought.

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