Part 36: One Month Later

Start from the beginning

"Okay." Ash replied "why don't you help us hang some stuff?" Ash suggests and I nod going with him before taking one last glance at the window. Ash hammers down a nail I handed him and so does Matt.


"What did you see?" Ash asks me once we are alone and in a corner. I hand him a nail.

"I saw nothing." I answer.

"Are you sure?" Ash asks hammering.

"I just saw trees." I reply handing him another nail. "It was nothing."


People greet me and Ash as they walk in and grab champagne. Ash twines our hands together and we walk around watching everyone and looking at the art.

"Tomorrow I'm going to have to work an hour later." He said.

"Why?" I ask wondering.

"Because I took some of today off." He replies.

"Right." I say and nod my head. We stay quiet for a while.

"You look stunning El." Ash says out of the blue. "I still can't believe you can walk in those heels!" He laughs and so does I.

We start to walk and Ash holds up a bit of the dress on his side for me to walk.

"This probably looks extremely weird." I playfully say and everyone gathers near the stage.

"I'd like to bring my friend, Elena, up here!" Matt says nervously. I start to walk on the stage while Ash stays put. "I met her one month ago for business and that day I knew she was going to be a great artist!" He says and clears his throat "she has made twenty drawings in one month!" Everyone claps and I smile. "I want to show you this." He starts and turns around and so do I. Two people take off this curtain and reveals photos of when I had all my art galleries and some with me and Ash. I smile brightly looking st it and give Matt a quick hug.

"Thank you Matt!" I say.


Me and Ash start to dance with the other people, he has his arm around my waist and the other hand is twined with mine with my hand on his shoulder. We just sway back and forth to the music when Ash starts to talk.

"Everything will be alright." He says softly, I let go of his hand and put mine on his other shoulder and he has both his arms around my waist.

"You think?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows and he nods.

"Till death do us part." He copies what the priest said.

"Till death do us part." I whisper against his chest.


As everyone starts to leave me and Ash help Matt clean up with not much stuff.

"I appreciate you guys helping me!" Matt said smiling at us and I give him a faint smile.

"It's no trouble." I say. My phone starts to ring and I pick it up. "Hello?" I say through the phone but no one answers, just heavy breathing. I end the call and see a glass filled with champagne, I drop it in there and leave it for a while. I take it out and rush to Ash.

"El," he starts but then I cut him off.

"My phone dropped in the champagne its broken." I fake pout.

"How'd you do that?" Ash asks laughing and taking my phone. "It's trashed now." He says and throws it away.

"I'll get a new one tomorrow." I say and we start to clean up again.


Me and Ash head back to our house in the dark with barely any traffic. I turned the radio on and it was an Amber alert.

"What happened?" I ask Ash and he shrugged his shoulders.

"An inmate has escaped from his juvenile-" it couldn't finish when Ash turned it off.

"What'd you do that for?" I ask Ash looking at him, he glanced at me and back on the road.

"There's nothing's going on here. I would know about it, baby." He assures me and pats my thigh.

"Okay?" I say more of a question.


We walk into our house and I take off my shoes immediately and go into our room feeding Aniease. I take off the dress and go into the bathroom and start the shower.

I step out and wrap the towels around me going into the room. I put on a sweater and shorts as Ash showers. I lay under the silk sheets with Aniease and turn on the TV.

"Did you have fun?" Ash asked me stepping into the room.

"Yeah," I say smiling "did you?" I ask and he nods laying next to me.

"Are you pregnant?" Ash asks out of the blue.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You've had a few mood swings and I know when you have your monthly because you always act a specific way." He said I chuckle at how cute he calls a period a monthly and how he recognizes how I act when I'm on it.

"I don't know?" I say.

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