Entree Part one.

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Me: Sounds simple enough. *pull out Nightengale, Blackout, Backlash, Olympia, Heaven, and Scorpion then I put the rest in my car and I set it to auto pilot and it drives back to the parking spot and shuts down. Then I stand on a stone plate with Nightengale out and I stand in a laxed position ready for launch.*

*I get launched into the air and I take aim and shoot all of the grimm in my way before I hit the ground and I then switch to Heaven and Scorpion*

*Five Ursa walk out around me and I grin and I pull out last chance and I enter last chance mode and I head shot all of them* *I then run in the durrection with Blackout out and I shoot all of the grimm that get in my way and I make it to the temple and when I get there I grab a white chess piece. I then *take out Backlash and I load it and reload Blackout and I then slide the chess piece into my back pocket and begin to run back to the cliff taking out any grimm that get in my way with only one bullet to the head, neck, or spine*
Time rewind Ruby's POV

Yang: Wow he's good. *She continuse to stair at the person that Team JNPR, CFVY, SSSN, and my team Team RWBY nick named sharp shooter*

Jaune: Do you think he'd train me to use a gun?

Wiess: Unlikely.

Sharp shooter: *Takes a small gun thats verey odly shaped and shoots 5 five rounds in 5 diffrent durections but time were he was slowed down were he was but the camera crashes stoping the feed then it returns in five minutes and we see him running back to the cliffs and hands Ozpin the same Chess peice that we got*

Ruby:*Thinks* What is this feeling I suddenly feel drawn to this mistierius boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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