Final Chapter - Bad Girl Meets Not-So-Bad Boy

Start from the beginning

"Oh please," she rolled her eyes. "I never treated you as my friend,"

"What?" I was shocked of what I heard.

"Ever since we were young, Travis only looked at you and I was getting kind of sick of it," was I hearing things right? "You didn't even love him, did you?"


She didn't even let me finish, "But I did and I still do. I'm in love with Travis and since you're now out of the picture...I can have him all for myself," the grin that she showed me was evil. The glint in her eyes was dangerous. "Beat her up," she ordered the gang.

The beating was painful.

But I was numb from the heartache of the betrayal that Jenny caused me to even feel it.


For the second time, I managed to survive that awful beating. I ran to where my feet could drag me. I still couldn't get over the fact that Jenny didn't even treat me as a friend because she was in love with Travis.

I felt betrayed.

And being betrayed was more painful than the beating.

I didn't want to be selfish but I knew that there was only one place for me to go. I immediately went to Zayn's flat. The door was not locked so I went inside it and found the complete members of One Direction there.

The sight of me shocked them.

"What the fuck?" Harry immediately went beside me to support my limping body.

"Hey," I smiled so that they wouldn't worry.

"Where have you been?!" I'd never seen Niall so serious.

"We were looking everywhere for you," Liam said.

"Are you okay?" Louis also went to my side and helped Harry.

I looked at Zayn as he remained silent. "Can I just rest for tonight?" I asked them. Everyone nodded except for Zayn who just stood there with his eyes all widened.

Harry and Louis placed me on the bed and tried to tend to my bruises but I stopped them from doing so. I just wanted to rest. I'd never felt so weak all my life. They turned the lights off and closed the door. My eyes immediately closed as my consciousness drifted into the darkness.


It was in the middle of the night when I woke up. I was feeling a whole lot better than before. I sat up and saw Zayn sitting on my bed whilst staring at me. "W-What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I want an explanation of why you returned here like that," he demanded. I sighed. I knew that he was curious of what happened so I decided to spill everything, including the fact that Jenny betrayed me.

"...I told you that I was dangerous," I mumbled. "I'm leaving tomorrow, Zayn. I don't want to worry you any further. I don't deserve it so don't stop me from going,"

He placed his hand on top of mine and looked at me dead straight into the eyes, "Listen to what I'm going to say, Avarielle. I've given this a thought so many times and I already made up my mind...I think I love you. No. I know that I love you,"

"What?" I almost yelled but it was a good thing that I didn't.

Was he serious?

Was he fucking serious?

"I'm not stopping you from going tomorrow," I almost breathed a sigh of relief when he said that until he added, "But I'm coming with you,"

"Are you fucking insane?!" this time, I really yelled. I couldn't keep the frustration in my voice any longer. He was freaking insane for all I knew.

"I'm serious,"

"What about your band?"

"I know that you will feel guilty if they were involved but I'm the one who is willing to take the risk. I want to be happy with you. I choose you over my career," he explained whilst I listened very carefully. "And I plan to go solo so please...leave the gang life and be with me. I'll make you happy. If you don't love me then I'll make you love me. Just please...please be with me,"

My heart started to beat faster. I didn't want Zayn involved in my life but what I heard from him was very promising. And I needed to admit that I was also starting to have feelings for Zayn. I was falling in love with him too.

"...Won't you regret it?" I asked.

"Never," he smiled. "Have you made a decision?"

Instead of answering him immediately, I grabbed his collar and kissed him. The rest of the night went on with our bodies becoming one.

If Zayn was willing to take the risk, I was too.

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