A Picnic for 2

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A few minutes later I found myself sitting beside Gatsby in his cream coloured rolls-royce. It was a good quality car well worth the heavy price one would have to pay in order to get it. I looked out the window and watched the rural scenery pass by. I didn't know where we were going but i assumed it had something to do with the basket in the back seat and the smell of food wafting throughout the vehicle. It was a pleasing smell and my stomah seemed to welcome it as well. I'm sure I'm the only one who's noticed the low rumble of my stomach on this trip. Why had I not thought to ask for some breakfast before leaving the mansion? Another rumble emerged from my stomach. My face must have shown some annoyance since Gatsby asked if something was the matter. It took every part of my being to just brush it off and tell him that everything was fine and that I had no clue what he was talking about. After that he dropped the subject much to my disappointment. I would've liked him to fret over me a bit more.
The drive lasted at least half an hour longer and the scenery was beautiful. I lost myself amongst the green of the trees and the blue of the skies. It was all too soon when Jay had said,
"We're here my angel."
Jay got out and walked around to my side of the vehicle where he opened my door for me. After all these years he's still a gentleman. I took a step out of the car and onto the luscious green grass. People must not come here often for it was very much like walking on a cushion. Gatsby set up a blanket and the food filled from earlier a little farther from the car- on top of the hill we were parked next to. The climb was exhausting but after seeing the beautiful view from above I no longer cared. The sky was clear with a few wisps of cloud floating around and the vision below was almost as if someone stripped it from a fairytale. The trees were a bright vibrant green and the field of flowers before me were a wide arrangement of shapes, colours, and sizes. It was a dream come to life. On the blanket I was on with Jay laid an assortment of luxurious food items to enjoy along with the view. We stayed there for a few hours snacking on the food and enjoying the view; idley chatting with one another about our thoughts and lives. About halfway through Jay pulled 2 silver flasks from his jacket. Alcohol I presumed seeing as he seemed like the type to always have some on him. At one point through the tryst, the topic of love came up.
"Daisy, I know I left you a long time ago but to this day I still can't forget the love we had and how it made me feel. I know I don't deserve it but do you by chance think you can love me once more? I dream of the day when the past is repeated and our love is rekindled. When the fiery passion between us is a common everyday thing and we can both be happy. I'll make you happy Daisy."

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