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Darkness. Then light. A bright light slipping through a set of simple white curtains whenever a breeze happened to come along and pass through the open door of the Terrace. A faint silhouette could be seen through the closed curtains. It seemed lost in thought just staring at what I knew to be the ocean below. I took a deep breath. While taking in the salty ocean air i became lost in thought before I knew it. Who is that stranger outside? Where am I? What did I do last night? These unanswered questions along with many others were spinning through my mind leaving me unsettled and wondering. I looked around the room to start and figure out where I was. It looked familiar but I just couldnt quite place my finger on it. I took note of the rich beautiful paintings and the tall bookshelves lining the creamy white walls. It was simple, but it was nice. Whoever house this was had money; Lots of it.  Turning back to look at the unmoving silhouette in the window, I started slowly walking towards it in hopes that whoever it was wouldn't notice I was up and especially wouldn't notice that I was spying on them. 'A girl should be proper afterall' as they say. If I happened to get caught and whoever is behind the curtain takes offence to it, then I would think that this rendezvous would definitely not end well. I continued walking quietly until I was on the veranda. As i stepped outside I was suddenly hit with realization. I knew where I was and I could figure out why I was here-though for some reason I still couldn't remember anything from the day before. I thought that it was time for me to figure out a bit of this unusual situation. I faced the the well dressed man -still lost in thought-  before me and said,
"Jay Gatsby " in a steady voice. The man turned startled by the suddenness of my call. His confused unsure face was gone and replaced by one filled with joy and happiness the moment he recognized me.
"Daisy! My darling, how was your sleep?"
"It was lovely." I replied to him deciding to play it cool. In my years I've learnt that you can find out more information if you don't outright ask. Humans are secretive creatures and even if the knowledge isn't that important they stay guarded and sometimes unwillingly hold back details.
"Darling," I heard Gatsby say after some time passed.
"Yes, what is it?" I replied in a gentle manner.
"What would you like to do today my love?" I was asked. This was my chance to figure out what went on yesterday and to figure out how I woke up in Gatsbys bed in the end.
"I would like to do the same thing as we did yesterday," I said.
"plus more." I added, not minding that a gentleman with a lot of money was willing to spend that money on me and give me the attention I do desperately desired.
"Then go get dressed and we'll leave." he told me.
"You can find some clothes on the second level of my room or if none of them are to your taste then ask one of the servants and they'll make you something you like."
I went to go check the clothes on the second level since it would be much quicker than having clothes made and i wanted to leave as soon as possible. When I managed to locate the clothing he was talking about, I confirmed my suspicions that the clothes would be just as splendid as the room and match it's  grandeur. Folded and hanging were clothes of all colours and designs and they fit like they were made just for me. If Gatsby is in love with me as much as nick says he is then i wouldn't be surprised if they actually were. I got dressed while Jay went somewhere. He returned a few minutes after I finished. When he entered the room he stared at me with a hungry lust in his eyes. A lust I knew how to play with in order to get what I want. In this world girls need to be crafty in order to survive and get what they want; I have no issue doing that.
"You look beautiful my love." Those were the first words Jay said when he saw me. I was wearing a white cocktail dress with just a touch of blue on the bottom paired with a silky white shawl covered in beautiful blue embroidery. I knew that wearing this and laying on the bed sideways would please the great Gatsby very much.

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