Chapter 31 - Our Wedding Day

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She made her way upstairs and gave me a hug and kiss. "Are you ready to get married to your Prince today?"

The message on the mirror caught her eye.

"Did he leave you this sweet message?"

Nodding in affirmation, "Girllllll you are one lucky woman!"

And I knew it. I know how absolutely in love with him I am and how lucky that we had each other.

Celeste started to do my hair while Rita unpacked my dress and Sarah hopped in the shower.

Celeste confirmed my hair plans.

"You want it exactly how we did for the gala, right?"

"Yes, that's the one request Prince had for me was he wanted my hair the same way at the night of the gala."

"I can't wait for him to see you at the end of the aisle. I just know he's going to be a crying mess." Rita giggled.

I replied, "I know I will be Rita."

Celeste finished my hair and turned me to the mirror. "What do you think?"

"Celeste it's absolutely perfect."

Celeste ordered, "Alright Sarah into your turn in the chair."

The doorbell rang again and I pressed the intercom to ask who it was.

"I have lunch delivery for Isabella Nelson."

I buzzed the door to open and there was Ray laughing with a slew of food.

Ray exclaimed, "Hey Isabella, Prince wanted me to bring over some lunch for your ladies. He gave me specific instructions to tell you too eat. He wants you and his two babies fed and doesn't want to see you pass out halfway up the aisle."

Rita came down to assist Ray with putting the spread out on the center island so that we could serve ourselves.

Eating lunch forced us to take a much needed break. I received a text from Prince.

"I hope you're enjoying your lunch. Feed that belly of yours...I don't need any of my girls hungry today. The boys and I love you so much."

Sarah tried to peek over my shoulder and teased.

"Is that lover boy?"

Phone to my chest.

"Yes, it's him."

Grabbing my phone from my hand, Sarah read his message out loud to Rita and Celeste in a sing songy voice and then commented.

"Is he the most romantic guy ever or what? Is he just as insatiable in the sack as I think he is?"

Rita chimed in, "I think you getting pregnant the first time you two were together is a testament to your love."

I laughed and said, "Yes, I think so too, but he embarrassed me last night telling Rev. Brad that."

Rita was shocked that he shared that with the reverend."What did he say?"

I explained. "Rev. Brad asked if twins run in either side of our family. Prince replied, "No, no, that's just what our beautiful love made."

We all started to laugh together. Rita went on. "That Prince...whenever he's so sure about something he never has a problem just telling it like it is."

We cleaned up from lunch and Celeste started to put my make up on and then it would be time to get dressed. Prince arranged for a limo to take us to the church and its as going to be here in an hour. Once I was finished, Celeste moved to Sarah's make up.

A Walk in the ParkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora