Shivering Heat

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THIS BOOK IS CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN. Every Chapter is being revised and re-written. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will let everyone know once it has been completed.


 His black gaze burned over her, holding her captive as sizzling sparks shot across her skin, teasing her body. She couldn't look away, not even as he forced her head towards his own.

 Her stomach was doing little flips, every nerve ending awakened to life. But she couldn't move, his kiss brought out the most deadliest desires inside of her.

 He was dark and dangerous, and deadly sexy. And still, she went towards him like a willing sacrifice. Offering her body up to him, for him to worship her like the princess she was.

 With the softest of movements, his lips touched hers. Soft. Firm. His lips a velvet rasp tickling her own. Making her heart jump in her chest. Thudding hard against the flimsy material.

 Slowly he delivered kisses down her neck, tiny pinpricks of flames flickered across her skin. Once again, she responded to his touch so rapidly. Like a flame responding to water.

 She needed him, it wasn't a want. But simply, a fact of need. Leaning closer into his lips, she pulled the hair off the side of her neck, giving him better access. He belonged to her. No other woman was permitted to touch his velvet soft skin, to run their fingers over him. Only she had the privilege to do so.


 Her thoughts flickered towards his.

 "Forever?" She asked him, as her lips found a rhythm of their own licking at his pulse that was pounding frantically.

 "Forever, " he stated in a sure deep rumble, pulling her towards his muscular chest as they descended into a whirlwind of passion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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