The journey to the dinning room had my heart exploding with crazy emotions. All of them pretty negative by the way.

Remember, Eliyanna, be professional. Soon, all of this would be over. Just like in prison, you could get out on good behavior.

Yeah right! You out on good behavior, Eliyanna? Please, only when pigs could fly.

Have I mentioned how much I hated the voice in my head?

What if--

"Oww!" I yelped, when I felt my face connect with a cold hard metal. The pain was so fricking excruciating, I thought my head would split in half. It was literally the second most painful thing I've experienced, next to bumping my small toe on the edge of a drawer. "Son of gun!" Rubbing my forehead I glared at the arched wall in front of me.

How the hell did I not see that?

"Eliyanna," I jumped at the sound of the familiar voice. Low and behold Roman was seated at the opposite side of the dinning room, with an Ipad in one hand and a cup of coffee on the other. "If I knew how blind you were, I would've specified the contract. How the fuck am I supposed to keep you out of harms way, when you randomly connect your face to objects and your ass to floors?"

You know that feeling when you're in so much pain, the mere sight of anyone pisses you the hell off? Now imagine being told exactly what Ro- I mean, Mr. Alexander just told me.

Keep it professional, Eliyanna. KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL!

"I'm sorry, sir," I forced a smile. In an attempt to lighten the mood, I added, "Maybe, when you're buying me clothes, you should buy me a helmet till I get used to this craziness."

He nodded, "Yes, Eliyanna. That's actually a good idea," and reached for his phone on the table.

Hmm... who knew he was capable of banter?

For a moment, I felt myself relax just enough to walk calmly towards the dinning table. However, I was still cautious enough to take the furthest seat, even though, my plate was obviously set up next to him. That sexual threat still whispered in my ear and I just couldn't risk it.  Biting my lip was an involuntary habit of mine that ticked him off. The whole of last week I was wondering why it did and yesterday I finally knew.

"Hello?" Mr. Alexander said to the person on the phone, pressing it between his ear and shoulder. "Yes, pass the phone to Margo please." When I extended my arm so he could pass my plate, he pulled out the chair on his right and pointed to it.

"You're still an asshole," I mumbled, under my breath. "Good to know."

"Did you say something?"

Keep it professional, Eliyanna.

"No sir," I smiled, reluctantly getting up from my seat. When I felt the pressure of my teeth against my lips, I quickly pouted it, then sat next to him.

"Eat," he commanded. For the first time since I arrived at the table, I noticed just how full it was. There was every breakfast food I could ever dream of eating: cereal, eggs and bacon, toast, sausages and some others I didn't know the exact pronunciation of. Sticking with what I knew, I grabbed some scrabble eggs and sausages then dug in. Mr. Alexander, - still with his phone between his ear and shoulder - took my glass and filled it with orange juice. "Yes, Margo."

"Thank you," I mumbled, taking a huge gulp of the cool liquid. However, it didn't make it halfway down my throat before it came back out. I coughed vigorously, trying to register what Mr. Alexander said on the phone. Did I hear him right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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