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I gave them closure, yes. But what now? It’s not like you’re ever going to get the girl. Keal, you traitor. 

What was the reason I convinced them to talk again? Oh, yea. I was hoping they’d finally end it. Their twisted little relationship. Michi was still tied up to her past with Drake. She never knew why.. And Drake could never get over the fact that he left Michi hanging like that. 

And hey were siblings. They had to put an end to their story. 

You thought you had a chance. Yes, I did. That’s just the kind of scum I really am. You left Drake’s team to join her brother’s not because you saw better potential in that other team, not because Drake was becoming too much to handle, but because you had better chances of seeing her. 

But.. she knew I existed. Heck, I could see it in her eyes way back when we first met that she can never get over my eyes. That’s all she knows about me, though. The boy with the grey eyes and Drake’s bestfriend who was never really around to hang out with them since the sight of them being together tore his head apart.  I thought I had a chance, and I was willing to take it even if it meant breaking it off with Drake forever. But then came Mikhail.

Jayson. Gandrick. Fcking. Mikhail.

He wasn’t supposed to be there, snooping around and listening in as Michi and Drake messed with each other’s heads. But then I thought, this would be like killing two birds with one stone. He’d flip when he finds out about this twisted relationship two biological siblings had. He’d be so disgusted he’d leave her then and there. I mean, imagine what people would think of you when they realize you were screwing with your own brother! 

But he’s not like you. No, no. You’re wrong, he’s just like me. Don’t you dare say he isn’t.

. . . . 

Keal dropped his gaze from the bathroom mirror. There it is again. The other man inside him was arguing with him again. No medications or check-ups, though. He knew he was already fucked up. He just doesn’t want to know by how much. 

Grabbing the towel next to him, the dried himself up and quickly dressed. In ten minutes, he was off to congratulate Jayson for giving up on his useless deal. Word travels fast. He could strike up  a little conversation, bring in a little empathy. Then he’d ..

What are you gonna do next? Go up to the girl and confess your love? Keep dreaming.

He shook away the sarcastic tone ringing in his head and headed out. It was early and he found Jayson lounging about in the field with his hand bandaged up and smiling to himself like an idiot. He approached casually, making sure he didn’t seem too obvious. 

“Mikhail. So the rumor was true. You got bandaged up pretty bad, huh?”

Jayson looked up. “Ah. Keal.” He was calling him by his first name? Really? He examined his hand a moment before standing up. “Oh, this? False alarm. Just a scratch and Myk overreacted.”

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