Part III

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Hey guys once again I just want to say I'll make my schedule work so I can update. I miss writing and well I'm a bit stressed but I hope I can write a good chapter for you all. ♥️


~Time Skip~

Jimin called Hiba over he wanted to see his girlfriend and watch movies. As she was at home resting on her day off having taken a long and relaxing bath her phone rang. Hiba knew it would be Jimin he knew she was off that day and he always called at the same time every week on her day off. What would his excuse for calling her this time she wondered. She had dressed casually warm and comfortable just laying on her bed. As soon as she picked up she heard her boyfriends lovely voice.

Hiba soon left to see her boyfriend and was happy she was always happy to see him. She missed his adorable face and the way he held on to her as if she would disappear if he didn't. The way he looked at her and smiled at her. The way he always made her feel better and the way he showered her with love. Most every other day she would wonder why he liked her? But she would always get an answer even without actually asking such a question. Jimin always made sure Hiba knew his enormous love for her and only her. He called and texted her every day every hour of he could he would text her every second how much he loved her, missed her and was so lucky to have her to himself. Hiba always wanted to ask that question but she didn't want him to think she didn't trust him or his love for her. The thing was he was famous and quite attractive and charming and everything else you could think of. A lot of his fans and other idols that likes him are cute adorable pretty and well Hiba thought she was just average some days. But she knew she had her own things going for her. She wasn't just pretty, cute or adorable no that was for kids and babies she was gorgeous intelligent and had a great personality. After some time Hiba learned that those three words always came out of her mouth after so many times that Jimin told them to her.


•At The Dorm• (Jimin & Hiba movie date)

Jimin: So Hiba I got all your favorite movies pick one to watch first I'll go get the snacks okay.
Hiba: Okay! I've seen these so many times but I love them so much. Which one should I pick first they are all so good.
Jimin: Well pick one yet? Comeone just pick one we'll watch the rest right after.
Hiba: Why are you rushing me? You pick one see how hard it is to do so.
Jimin: Oh alright sorry sorry. Please just pick one.
Hiba: This one definitely this one!!
Jimin: okay now where going somewhere. Give me so I can put it on.
Hiba: Yes, Sir! Here it is Mr. Park Ji Min.

Hiba and Jimin watched all the movies at first they couldn't stop watching and eating snacks then they had a little break they had drank too much cola for their bladders to handle. Once the little break was over Hiba sat once again at her spot from before and Jimin decided to lay his head on his girlfriend's lap. She couldn't help to play with his soft hair. She still wondered how he kept it so soft even with all the dye, perms and other heat that was always happening to his poor head. Hiba was sure her poor boyfriends and his friends would end up bald if they continued that way. She giggled at the thought of a bald Jimin it was funny yet something she never wanted to see in her life. Jimin was watching the movie when Hiba giggled he loved the way she laughed. He looked up and saw that she was no longer focused on the movie but daydreaming so he paused the movie to see when Hiba would notice. He continued to look at Hiba from where she was playing with his hair almost making him fall asleep. He resisted the temptation of falling asleep and let out a little chuckle. Hiba then came to and soon asked Jimin why he stoped the movie. He laughed looking at Hiba who thought she had daydreamed without her boyfriend noticing her not paying attention to the movie that was playing. Soon hibas back started to hurt and asked Jimin if she could lay on the sofa which was pretty spacious for two. Soon Jimin paused the movie once more and got up letting Hiba up and stretch and soon he laid down first Hiba followed and placed her head on Jimin's arm. To which Jimin took advantage and hugged Hiba closer to him claiming he didn't want his beautiful girlfriend to fall. Hiba however didn't mind she loved cuddling to Jimin he was so warm and so cute when ever he cuddled up to her.

(End of Movie Date)


Later Jimin took Hiba home and hugged her tightly and lovingly. She hugged him back and he couldn't stop smiling he thought he looked like a total idiot but who cared he was an idiot for his gorgeous girlfriend. Hiba couldn't help but smile at her boyfriend and thought so many things about him. One of many thoughts had been I'm the luckiest girl in the entire Galaxy to have such a wonderful, loving and caring man for a boyfriend. But at the same time Jimin thought similar things about his astonishing girlfriend Hiba she was his everything and he needed nothing more than her. Her existence was all he ever wanted and needed and Hiba thought the same too. It was as if they had been made for each other and that was probably the case they are each other's soulmate and they always thought of each other no matter what. Always telling waxhotjwr how much they missed, loved & adored each other each and everyday. It was their thing and they loved that about one another their friends would always tell them to stop being so cute but how could they? It was beyond their control they couldn't help it.


Thanks For Reading
I'm working on a new schedule for my updates so pls do wait. I know I promised two chapters so I'll be working on it later so I will post it soon
Pls so remember to comment ♥️

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