You're Fucking Crazy

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Mickey told me I should see a therapist, surprised he actually cared about my well being. "I don't have anything wrong with me" is a thing I constantly said. 

I would either be yelling at Mickey or Mandy about some stupid shit or I would just be crying, wanting everything that happened in my life to just leave me alone..just make it stop haunting me. 

Word goes around that we're a fucked up family, but they say that now I'm the most fucked up of them all. I think I'm fine, but there is always something inside that tells me I'm not.

I walked into the alibi and sat down, usual seat, usual people, different expressions on them all. "What's up with you guys? You look like you're at a funeral," I joked taking off my jacket and putting it on my chair.

Kev cleared his throat and looked over at V, gesturing to me. "Um, MJ, have you went to that therapist Mickey talked about?" I sighed and got up. 

"Now you're on my case about it? I just wanna go somewhere where I'm not told to go do some shit I don't wanna do." I said to her angrily and she glared at me slightly. V walked around the bar and over to me, pulling me outside.

"You have something wrong with you, if you're gonna keep denying it and talking shit, don't come back to this bar. We don't want to hear it." She walked back in and got my jacket, handing it to me. I glared at her, putting my jacket on and walking away.

I was walking down the sidewalk smoking when I saw a particular carrot top walking up to the famous Gallagher house. "Ian?" I said walking closer to him, he turned his head and smiled at me.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of his warm embrace. "Holy shit Gallagher, where the hell have you been?" I asked looking up at him.

"Uh, I've been around," He replied and I smiled a bit. "I missed you, man, thought I lost my best friend." I said punching him in the arm lightly.

"You'll never lose me and you know it." Ian spoke, chuckling lightly. "You wanna come in?" He asked me gesturing to the house. 

"Nah, I should get home," I responded, crossing my arms. "But I'll catch up with you later." I added and he smiled at me. 

"Yeah that'd be nice." Ian said softly and walked to the front door before waving goodbye to me. I waved back and began walking to my house.

I walked in my house and saw Mickey sitting on the couch smoking, I took off my jacket and sat next to him. "Ian's back," I said, trying to make conversation.

"I know," Mickey responded putting his cigarette out. "So did you two-" "This isn't about me and Ian, MJ." He cut me off, standing up and glaring at me angrily. 

"You're fucking crazy and you need help, but you won't even think to listen to me!" Mickey yelled at me. I stood up and came face to face with Mickey, glaring at him. 

"You are gonna go to fucking therapy, or I'm gonna drag you there myself, I want you to get help because you need it-and don't fucking tell me you don't need it because you do," He said, clenching his jaw and I crossed my arms. "This conversation is over." Before I could say a word he walked away, leaving me alone in the empty living room.

The Other Milkovich (xLip Gallagher Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora