Chapter Fifteen: A Lovely Night

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The golden-haired man scoffed. "If I was the man, I would step forward."

"Would you?" Sybill questioned.

Enjolras gave her a puzzled look before nodding. "Yes, yes I would. Would you not come forward if you were the author of such passionate works?"

Sybill appeared thoughtful. An array of watercolors that had painted the sky was beginning to lend way to a dear lavender color to show the start of night. Behind Enjolras's head, she could see the sun setting. His golden curls turned into a halo around him, and the girl found that she was having the utmost difficulty lying to the dear archangel Michael that sat before her. The sword of truth was in his eyes, and the girl bit her lip. "Yes, I imagine I would come forward to a close few friends," she finally conceded.

"No," Enjolras shook his head. "I would tell everyone. I fear not the gallows so long as the writing stays immortal and accessible."

"You fear nothing," teased Sybill. "You never have been fearful."

"That is not true," Enjolras shook his head once more. He gave a faint smile with the ocean of his eyes focusing on the forest of her own. "No, I've always been quite fearful of you."

Sybill laughed aloud. "You've been fearful of me?"

"You've always had me quite shaken," Enjolras teased. Sybill laughed. "I was fearful of you leaving when I was a child. Once you were gone, I was fearful of your return. Once you returned, I..." He shook his head with a slight shrug.

Sybill's curiosity was peaked. "Oh, do not stop there, dear sir, please continue for my account. What have you been so fearful of since my return?"

Enjolras bit his lip. "I rath-rather not say," the boy shook his head. "It is neither the most proper nor the most appropriate material for a conversation."

"Now I must know," Sybill chuckled, rising to her feet before him. "What is it, Julian? Why are you fearful even now?"

"I..." He stole a deep breath, looking to the ground once more for desperate answers. "I am fearful of the feelings I have for you," he admitted. There was a faint outline of a smile on Sybill's features. His eyes met hers once more as the sun began to finally set, and the outline of the moon could be seen behind her. "I am fearful of the...of the depth of the feelings that I have for you considering the considerably short time we have been reacquainted. And it is not..." he shook his head. "It is not the best time for me to feel or think of such things."

Sybill looked at him puzzled. "What is it thou dost ponder?"

"No," Enjolras quickly chuckled. "No, I dare not speak so."

Sybill caught onto his meaning and chuckled. "'The tempter or the tempted, who sins most?'" she quoted playfully.

"Nadie!" Enjolras gasped. Sybill laughed in response. "Sh!" he quickly said, putting a finger onto her lips. "Nadie, we must keep quiet. What will we say if someone dost draw near to the fountain?"

"We claim marriage and a meeting for a celebration of an anniversary," shrugged Sybill. "No stranger would know anything to the contrary."

"What if it not be a stranger?" Enjolras inquired with a concerned edge. "What then?"

Sybill leant up and kissed Enjolras before the man could make any motion to protest. The girl looped both of her arms around his neck, pressing her body into him. Enjolras was taken aback though his hands found their way to the girl's waist. The heat radiated from both of them while the kiss seemed to have them both spinning.

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