"You chose for me. He chose for himself." I clenched my jaw frustratedly before sniffling and she looked up at me.

She looked down sadly before nodding and walking off towards my car and I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I looked up at the gray sky just to quickly look back down and button up my work blazer. I turned around and walked to my car and getting in as Louis walked out with a laughing Harry.

I started up my car just to quickly pull away and drive down the street not looking at anything in the car besides out the windshield. The low voice of a new Ed Sheeran song played through the speakers as I made my way to Marina's school.

"Remember Photograph?" Camila mumbled lowly as she listened to the song and I thought back to our song when we were in high school.

"Yeah." I mumbled with her while I stopped myself from smiling.

"We'll be okay though right? I mean one little disagreement doesn't mean anything right?" She slightly panicked and I sucked up my pride and held her hand as I glanced at her.

"Just because we tend or I tend to get frustrated with you or mad it doesn't mean our relationship is going down the drain. It never really has gone down anyway we just put it on pause for too long." I said lowly as I squeezed her hand softly causing her to smile at me.

"I love you and nothing is gonna change that you're just frustrating that's all." I mumbled causing her roll her eyes slightly and took her hand away.

"How romantic." She scoffed causing me to smirk lightly as I watched the road.

"Just being honest babygirl." I said and she nodded as she looked out the window.


"Mama!" Marina gasped at me before running down the steps carefully and jumping into my arms.

"And mommy!" She smiled widely and happily before giving us both kisses.

"Hey baby." We said in unison before smiling at her as I caressed her small cold cheeks and Camila ran her hand through dark brown tresses.

"Aye Lauren!" I heard a familiar voice yell out and I internally groaned.

I stood up as Marina hugged Camila's waist tightly as she told her about her day. I looked at Keana who was coming down the steps hand in hand with Vanessa.

"Uh hey Kea before you start anything I uh actually need to go I have a meeting that's gonna start in less than an hour." I gulped not really wanting to talk to her at the very exact moment.

"Okay? I just wanted to see if you knew that fuckboy Austin from high school was in New York." She stated and I felt my heart stop beating as I looked up at her.

"W-What? Did he say anything?" I quickly asked and she frowned shaking her head.

"I haven't seen him personally Ari told me that he's here for some reason. How many goddamn dicks are gonna be in this city Jesus Christ." She chuckled shaking her head and I felt relieved as I sighed.

"Oop mama said a bad word." Vanessa said with her cute small voice and I wondered how the fuck she was Austin's kid.

"I sure did honey and guess who's not gonna tell mommy?" Keana said in her innocent voice causing me to laugh lowly.

"Me." Vanessa giggled and looked at Marina who stared at her as she spaced out.

"Anyways how'd you know?" She asked squeezing Vanessa's hand softly and I bit my lip.

"Uh he's the new gym teacher at Camila's high school." I said lowly and she laughed in mockery at my words.

"Well maybe we should pay him a little visit heh? It'd be funny as hell-"

"No, no, no, no let's not do that, that's a terrible idea." I said quickly but realized how fishy I seemed so I laughed, "I really don't wanna get back into contact with him even if he sees Camila almost everyday you know? Better for uh everyone I guess." I chuckled not knowing how to cover this new lie up.

"Oh yeah totally understand I guess we can just make fun of how he's a gym teacher instead of that basketball player he wanted to be." Keana laughed then smiled down at her daughter, "Welp we gotta go drop off the loser some lunch at the office."

"Woah, woah mommy is not a loser." Vanessa gasped up at Keana and Kea chuckled loudly and sarcastically.

"Oh yes she is, she is the biggest fucking loser on this entire planet." Keana laughed which made Vanessa get playfully defensive.

"Don't be mean mama."

"I'm not sweetie because you know what? She's my loser and that's what counts. One day you'll find a loser too." Keana pinched her daughter's cheeks and Vanessa giggled deeply.

"Maybe." She giggled and I smiled at their relationship before looking at Marina who stared into Vanessa's eyes from a distance.


"Well I'll see you Kea uh I gotta get to that meeting." I smiled and she quickly hugged me as we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Once I got into my car with my family they both looked at me, "You don't have a meeting do you?" They both asked in unison which highkey freaked me out.

"Uh I don't know you freaking weirdos maybe I do, maybe I don't." I frowned starting my car while they both giggled.

"We'll take that as a no then." Camila smirked and I looked at her with a small smile.

"I just need some time to figure this out and I'll talk to Ari about it-"

"What are you hiding mommies?" Marina cut in and we both looked at her at the same time.

"Nothing." We said in unison.

We all really need to stop doing that shit.

"You guys said hiding and lying is bad." She crossed her arms and sassed us but we just sighed heavily.

"It is but we're not doing anything okay? It's about work honey." I tried lying but she blinked before looking into her book bag.

"Okay." She sighed and I took a silent deep breath thanking god that she decided to forget about it for now.

"You two need to talk soon okay? I don't wanna see anything bad happen."  Camila whispered as she grabbed my arm and I nodded.

"Me either."


Do y'all think I should post some of the chapters of the Lauren/You? There's only like six and it's not much going on 👀

But I hope y'all enjoyed and if you didn't then there's always a next chapter...in a year or so who knows?

Have a great day or night beautifuls x



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