Chapter 10

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A few days go by, I was really starting to get into the whole camp vibe, and it was really showing. During one warm day, a bunch of campers – myself included – was helping out Shannon Leto with making a bunch of props for the people who wish to learn the art of photography – and Shannon is a great photographer.

"Okay, a little more paint on this, please." Shannon instructed as I nodded my head.

"You got it." I said, lightly stroking a bit of sky blue paint on this giant backdrop.

The group of the group of campers were helping to make this beautiful scenery on what would look like a perfect wilderness garden. I volunteered to paint the sky and clouds while others worked on these cut trees and paper mache flowers, and a fellow camper was working on the grass below me, so I tried to be as careful I as could while working.

"Hey, Hannah? How's the sun coming along?" I ask, still lightly stroking to make the sky as realistic as possible.

"It's... looking like a sun... I think." Hannah answered as I peered over and saw this giant yellow blob just sitting there.

"Uh... It looks great..." I say with a fake smile as Hannah sighed.

I then offered to help her out when I was done touching up the sky, something she happily accepted. After getting a stamp of approval from Shannon, I climbed down from the ladder I was on top of before heading to Hannah and climbing up to help her with the sun, but with two people on the ladder, I sorta took over and had her go help someone else.

Fixing up the sun as best as I could, I managed to make look more presentable, but Shannon took a real fancy to it, even praised me for my work. Hannah then coughed at me in annoyance as I giggled. Blowing her a kiss, she stuck her tongue out at me before getting back to work.

I had to admit, I was having a real fun time, and when I was done fixing Hannah's horrible excuse for a sun (I'm being honest here), I climbed down from the ladder and began seeing if anyone else needed help. Although we were pretty much done, I was pretty impressed that a small group of people could come together and make a very beautiful display. Best part is that each part is made of recycled goods, so we also helped out our environment in a major way – added bonus!

"Alright, boys and girls; this looks really great. Great job, all of you." Shannon says after we finished decorated the area that was used for the photography station. "Now, gather around so I can snap a photo of you all."

We all then huddled together as Shannon took a photo, promising us that it would be framed and hung up in the main lobby to show for our accomplishments. After we cleaned up, Hannah and I began walking around, looking for something to do when she suggested we go swimming.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go get changed and then hit the pool." I say as we hurried back to our cabin.

"Race you!" Hannah says, running past me. "Loser has to rub lotion on the winner!"

"Disgusting, but you're on!"

The two of us then raced back to the cabin, but when we nearly there, I decided to take a shortcut to get there faster, and when I was at the cabin, I touched the door first where Hannah jumped in frustration.

"Damn it! No fair! You cheated!" Hannah argued as I laughed.

"What's not fair? The rules were: First one to the cabin, wins. That's it. You never said nothing about taking no shortcuts." I say as she crossed her arms with anger. "Oh, relax. It was about fun, not winning. Oh, and you're not rubbing lotion on me."

"Good. I don't want to rub lotion on you, anyway."

"I don't know why you even offered that."

"It was the first thing that came to mind."

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