I find this dining room layout weird; one of the longer sides of the table is pushed up against the wall under a window, and the only two chairs are on the smaller sides of the table, about two and a half meters from each other.

The view from the window always gets me deep in thought; I can clearly see STAR Labs and the buildings around it. Maybe I should just watch from here to see if Barry will run in or out.

When you are done, we shall train you.

"Train me for what?"

Not for anything. It is needed that you strengthen your abilities. There are levels and limits to them, and you must learn these.

"So is this gonna be like the perk trees in Skyrim? Is there like a physical element and a mental element, or what?"

That is a silly game that has no bearing on this reality. It does not exist in this place, and you shall not mention it again.

Obviously, Robin hasn't had any good experiences with Skyrim. Noted.

"So how does this thing work?"

You can open anything you desire to. Simply try to open something and it will be done. The more often you unlock a particular object, the easier it will be to do so.

I frown, trying to think of something to test it out on. I'm done my quiche, so I put the dirty plate and fork into the dishwasher. I have an idea.

"What about a pickle jar?" I ask. Robin gestures in a way that says 'go ahead' and just watches me. I open the fridge and pull out the jar of pickles. I twist the lid and it won't open, but then I take a deep breath, focus and try again. This time, it works.

Try something harder. Challenge yourself.

I frown in thought again, unsure of what to open next. I'm about to ask Robin for ideas when there's a knock at the front door and inspiration strikes.

I move to the doorway of the kitchen and dining area, making sure I can see the front door clearly before closing my eyes and taking slow, steady breaths.

Picture the lock, then picture it open. Focus. Don't think, just feel.

Right. Picture the lock. Focus.

I stretch out towards the lock as if I'm using the force on it. I guess it helps if I feel like I'm channelling my power somehow.

The knocking repeats itself.


I picture the lock opening and, miraculously, there's a soft click that comes from the front door. It swings wide open as I blink and lower my hands, sort of surprised even though I expected it.

"Uh, hey Cara." Iris looks incredibly confused. "How'd you open the door from all the way over there?"

"Remote control locks. Makes it easier to open the door without having to get myself all the way over there." I lie smoothly, feeling kind of bad about the fact that I'm getting so good at coming up with excuses and lies so quickly.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen  (REWRITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon