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(So, I'm thinking of making another Story, either one about Julian or HR, what do you think?)

Abby POV

Today was the day...We're going to see Zoom....AGAIN. I was staring at Jay's helmet, now that I'm REALLY looking at it, it looks old and dented. Everyone was in the room, I stopped staring and began paying attention. Everyone was gone, "What did I miss?"


So we were trying to us Cisco to make a breach, it's not going so well and I'm just chilling at Star Labs. I REALLY NEED to stop staring at the damn helmet. I looked way again and get up, I'm thinking of tossing the damn thing. I walk over to Harry, "Hello~!" "His doppelgänger's name is Hunter Zolomon." Harry turned, I look at Caitlin. "Hunter Zolomon? Are you sure?" "Yeah, why?" "Well because on my earth, Hunter Zolomon is a convicted serial killer."

I froze, I looked at a screen and seen a whole police thing on Hunter Zolomon.... "Well shit." "That's Jay?" "No, that is Hunter." I like the name but the past has got to change, A SERIAL KILLER?! FOR REAL? "Last public photo of Hunter Zolomon. Instantly recognizable to people from my Earth. On my Earth, serial killers are an anomaly, so a lot of media attention to this...There was a podcast." "Wow."

"When Hunter was 11, his father killed his mother right in front of him. Father sent to prison, Hunter grew up in the foster care system." I want to hug Hunter now too! "Years later, he was convicted on 23 counts of murder?" "23? That's, like some real Hannibal Lecter-type level."

"After the trail, Hunter was sent to the St. Perez Mental Asylum for the criminally Insane. Given daily electroshock therapy to cure him of his urges, and then faded form view." 'That probably wasn't a good idea....' "Until Night your Particle Accelerator exploded." Now that was just Prefect. "That's right, the dark matter crept into the Mental Asylum. I'd thought piping the explosion underground would limit the exposure. I was wrong, all it did create an unstoppable Monster." Now Hunter isn't a Monster. I might not know Hunter all too well but from what I've heard so far, he sounds misdirected and misunderstood. "He's no unstoppable."

"Jay doesn't know that we know who he really is. He thinks his past is a secret." "So?" "I think I have an idea how we can stop him." I didn't like the look on Barry's face....I'm not going to like this at all.


We had a plan, a cruel plan, but a plan! We're using his family against him. I was hiding and waiting for Hunter to come, I was plan B in case this plan didn't work out.

I could see Barry and Hunter race around the Lab, a board come up and Zoom froze, it was his father, my heart twisted as Hunter got punched by Barry. Another one came up and it was his mother, Zoom kept freezing and I could feel the pain coming off him.

Barry grabbed the guns be stuck Hunter to the ground and he screams out, Barry rips off the mask. "How did you figure out who I was?" Barry took off his mask, "You made a mistake. You told Caitlin who your doppelgänger was." Barry kneeled down, "I had to do something to get her to stop trying to fix me. She's a smart girl." Barry chuckled, right now Barry kind of looked like the villain... "And that I was Zoom?" "The Velocity-Nine. When you run fast enough, it turns a speedsters lightning blue. We would of helped you. We would of done anything we could to save your life."

I still might help him. "Not everything." "Caitlin found you a cure!" "A temporary one! I'm dying Barry! There's only one thing that can give me what I need!" "And you just don't care how many lives you destroy tryin' to get it? How Many People You KILL?!" "NO I DON'T! That feeling was taken from me a long time ago." Barry stood and walked, "What do you want with Abby?" "That's none of your business Barry." I got up and teleported into one of the shadows near them and the talking went a little quiet.

I peaked out and seen Hunter stood, he was holding his side. "Ugh, Family. Such a weakness!" "Not for all of us." "Well that's Where your wrong. It's time I got what I came for!" "Your not getting anything from me. Your not getting anything from anybody ever again. On any Earth and Abby sure as hell isn't going with you." "....You can't lock up the Darkness." My eyes widen, that's not good. "What did you just say?" I get ready to tackle Hunter. His voice got dark.

"You can't lock up The Darkness." Hunter shook with speed and ran, he grabbed his mask, I went on Barry's shadow and searched, now I might be able to travel everywhere but Hunter is a freaking Magician, he's seriously disappearing and reappearing like, "Abracadabra! Now I'm over here!" And it's getting on my nerves.

I hear Barry yell, "NO!!!!!" I stayed in the Lab after that. Barry called and said we had to come over, Zoom had Wally. I teleported there. Everything was going down hill and everyone didn't know what the hell to do.


We went back to the lab, Barry was going to give up his speed, they wouldn't let me try and attack Hunter cause they didn't want to risk Wally's life. "Barry, you sure?" "I'm sure." "We don't even know if he'll hear me." "He'll hear you." Barry held out the damn helmet, Cisco put some goggles on and grabbed the helmet. We waited.

I wanted to sucker punch Hunter in the face so badly...And maybe kiss him..... Cisco talked to Him and then we waited again, I growled when Hunter came, he was holding Wally by his neck, I had my Mask on and my suit. Everyone raised their guns. "Wally!" "Wally hold on. Let him go." We all looked at Barry, "We had a deal." Zoom glanced at me, "My speed for Wally's life...Hand him over and Jay yours..." I still say I should tackle him! Zoom let Wally go. Cisco and Wally left.

"Lets get this over with." Hunter took off his mask and smirked, I wanted to kill him. Harry went over everything, "So this was your plan all along?" "Ever since the skies parted and showed me another world with another Speedster. Once I saw you, I came here, figured ouit what I had to do." "How are you still alive?" "We saw you die." "You did." I was confused, "So what was that? A speed mirage?" He chuckled, and I'm here wondering what the hell a Speed Mirage is. "Speed Mirage? Uh, no. Even I'm not that fast. I knew I couldn't be on two earths at the same time. So I went back in time I met another version of myself." 'Well your obviously fast enough to to kick ass and beat Barry'

"You're a time remnant. Like the Reverse-Flash." "I also knew that the only way to make Barry faster was if you all witnessed your old pal, Jay, die." "When did you think of that?" "When you came Ronny world. Everyone asked more questions and he with more answers until the time was right....Barry had to give up his speed and that's exactly what he did....

Barry fell and we ran over to him, soon I heard a yell and Hunter pinned Barry to the wall and was choking him. "Thank you Flash!" I growl, that's it! I yelled and ran at Hunter, I pushed him off Barry and threw him into the ground, I slammed him into the ground again and again. He fell and got up, he grabbed Harry, "Now Abby, don't go making any rash choices." "Rash?! I'll-" "Wouldn't it be a shame is Poor Jesse lost her father because of you?" I froze, well he got me. Hunter smirked and grabbed me and ran out. 'I'll murder him later'

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