Chapter 1:First Day

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(Slight update I changed Zoroark name for a friend of mine from Zack to Eclipse the Zoroark)
Luke's POV

"Hurry Up Luke, Kaitlyn, Alex and Cotton are already downstairs." I heard my mother say. I sighed and got up from bed and packed my bags and headed down stairs to meet up with my friends.

     "Luke!!" A familiar voice screamed as suddenly I was hugged by a Gardevoir. This Gardevoir isn't just a random Gardevoir, instead it's my childhood best friend Kaitlyn. I smiled and patted her head and she let go.

"So Luke? What classes are u gonna take for the first semester." She asked

"I don't know, I'll decidedly when I get their." I replied while I scratched my head.
     I decided to go to the bus top to see the rest of my friends, Alex the Scizor (am I biss to put my avatar in every story) and Cotton the Lopunny.

"Where were you Luke? We waited for like 10 minutes at the door" Alex said a bit disappointed.

"Sorry, I'll try and get up earlier" I replied apologetically.

"It's fine just don't keep us waiting" Cotton said with a tone of annoyance.
We waited for a while for the bus so we basically were on our phones. Well might as well talk about how I met everyone here. Let's start with Kaitlyn. The two of us have been childhood friends since 1st grade and we also are neighbors. Most people think that we would end up together but honestly we only see each other as brother and sister. Next I guess I'll talk about Alex and Cotton I guess. I met them both during science class during a project. The two decided to hang out with me during lunch and we became best friends.

"Luke? Luke!!" I was being shaken by Kaitlyn.
"Oh..I was thinking sorry about that" I slightly chuckled.
"Well the bus is here" she reminded me. The four of us went on the bus. I sat next to Alex and Kaitlyn was with Cotton even tho technically we all sat next to each other cause the chairs were across from each other but either way, WINDOW SEAT YAY!. We got at the school after about 15 minutes. We went to the desk and got our schedules and our dorm keys.

"I hope I'm roommates with someone who's not annoying that's like all I ask" I started.

"I hope the person I'm roommates with is fashionably rich" Cotton giggled and grabbed her keys.

Kaitlyn giggled "I hope my roommate is fun to hangout with"

Alex shrugged "I don't really want a roommate but if I do get one I won't complain"

The three of us titled our heads before Kaitlyn decided to speak. "Why don't you want a roommate?"

" tbh....I just like well...I'm shy around new people" Alex replied hesitantly. The three of us nodded. We decided to meet up with the rest of our friends which unlike don't live in the same area. They are Blade the Bisharp, Aero the Skarmory(I just realized most of them are steel types XD), Winter the Alolan Ninetails, Soul the Gallade and Marissa the Mismagius. We all chatted especially Soul and Kaitlyn, after all those two are dating if I forgot to mention.

After a while the speaker turned on.

"All students today being the first day of school we would like to start the year off with a Pokémon battle between two random students, so please report at the auditorium now, that is all" and with a beep the speakers were off. The four of us walked together there and the principal gave a speech.

"Welcome back students to (idk what name) High School! If this is your first year welcome!" The nine of us weren't really paying attention tbh we just were chatting away. Either way the headmaster continued.

"Like every year we will choose two students to battle each other!" He yelled trying to get everyone's attention which he did cause who doesn't wanna see a fight. "And the names for the people battling is...." he was handed a card with names I guess? Also what is this the Oscars? The Grammys? Idk I just waited for the names to be called.

"Trevor the Tyrantrum vs Luke the Lucario"

Well that's great. Haha, Fuck you life. Why do I have to battle. I went up on stage and just got ready for the battle. Right in front of me stood a 15 ft Tyrantrum which probably will kill me with a earthquake so fuck my life. My only chance is if i can land a oh-ko with a focus blast.

"Let the battle Begin!" The headmaster yelled.

I immediately went for a focus blast and would u look at freaking misses. He charges at me with fire fang and I blocked it. This was my chance to use close combat so I did. And well I won surprisingly. The headmaster gave me a medal and everyone was dismissed to go to their dorms. Finally time to see who my roommate will be. I opened my door to see it was empty. Yes!!!! Now I have a whole room to myself. At least for a whilei thought that. I heard keys and saw my door slightly being opened and I saw a Zoroark open the door.

"Awesome my roommate was that guy in the opening battle ceremony!" He enthusiastically said. "Nice to meet you I'm Eclipse!" He held his paw out for a hand shake.

"Hi......"I slowly shook his hand. If I wanted a roommate I wanted it to be at least with a friend like Blade or Alex not someone I don't even know.

"You know, I feel like the two of us are gonna be best friends!" He said while smirking.

I slightly rolled my eyes. "I already have that spot taken." He chuckled at this statement "you know you can have more than one best friend"

"Can you like? Leave me alone." He shook his head while smirking. "Nah, I'm bored and your the only person I can talk to here." I sighed at his comment and I guess tried to act like I care.
I yawned to make a excuse for sleeping. "Its kinda late so how about we just go to bed." He shrugged and I just laid on my bed. He surprisingly fell on top of me.

"Gah?! Can't you sleep on your own bed?!" I growled slightly. "Nah it's too cold, your fur seems warm tho." I tried my best to push him off and he only smirked and hugged me closer. I sighed and just let him win.

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