It was up to her to investigate how the accident had really happened

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It was a terrible scene. Warped metal pieces strewn across the grass, a gasoline puddle slowly forming underneath the main piece of wreckage, and a semi-drunken teenager combing through his hair with his fingers while nursing a cut on his forehead. Chunks of white plaster wall littered dewy grass, spraying from the point of impact, and small particles of debris hung in the air like static snowflakes.

Marlaina watched it all happen from the window of her house, the boy swerving across the road, his headlight beams shining on the fields around her three story home before he lost control, smashing her terrible car through her faux-brick plaster barricade. Her carefully manicured hand flew to her mouth in shock as the teenager ejected himself out of the car before it continued through her garden, hitting a sturdy old oak tree.

Before she headed outside, she dashed to her office and dialed 911. She told the police what had happened, trying to explain as in depth as possible, and she gave her address, but because she lived so far out of town, she knew that it would take at least an hour for paramedics and law enforcement to arrive. For the time being, it was up to her to investigate how the accident had really happened. Luckily, she just happened to be studying to become a detective at one of the most advanced schools in the world.

In the early morning's light, the dew and debris mixture sparkled, a grim reminder of the recent events. As she emerged from her front door, the injured boy turned to face the sound, and cussed under his breath. As she neared him, the smell of alcohol worsened; the poor boy reeked of it, and the gasoline puddle underneath the car was growing, which worried the promising future detective.

Motioning for the young man to come further away from the wrecked car, Marlaina questioned him on why he was drinking underage, and how he had acquired the car. He begrudgingly answered her that it was a dare from his friends to go out and drive the car down the country road after a game of alcoholic truth or dare. It was very strong vodka that had been stolen from a parent's liquor cabinet that was used in the game, which made sense, because the teen was just starting to sober up, but the scent was still extremely potent. He was also awake all night, making him exhausted, and drunk while he drove, which was a bigger threat to the public.

It was a case of juvenile delinquency, which was her initial suspicion, but it could've had fatal results.  It had already caused at least a few hundred dollars worth of damage to her wall, and her torn up yard, but she wasn't going to hold it against the young teen. He was remorseful, and already scared about what the charges were going to be, so she let him know that she wasn't going to hold it against him. She was wealthy enough to pay for another segment of plaster wall to be built at the front of her house.

He was young, dumb, and not in his right mind at the time. That could be forgiven, but she just hoped that he would learn form his mistake, and/or get some better friends. If something like this had happened with another person in the car, it could've had devastation results, more than just a forehead scratch and a wrecked car. Marlaina warned him of this as the police and paramedics showed up at her country home. While the police talked to her about the incident, the teen was taken into the ambulance by medical staff, which quickly rushed off to the hospital. Let's just say, it was not the best start to a Monday.


Author's Note: 

I feel like this one spiraled downwards by the end. I didn't really put all of my effort into it. xD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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