Preganant pt.2

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HOLY SHIIIIIITT haha it's been a while but I'm back and ima start posting images every Tuesday,Thursday, Friday, and Saturday dbndnsn andy way hope u enjoy babes PEACE✌🏻💞 btw Ik it's Wednesday ☠😂

Y/n pov
" Fuck" you mumble under your breath. You were about to have a huge panic attack you felt like the whole world just crumbled on you. "What am I going to do I'm only y/age" you said looking down at the 2 sticks that read positive.

Y/b/f/n opened the bathroom door she slowly walked in and saw the tests "omg"she mumbled "y/n babes it's going to be ok he will understand,it wasn't just your fault it's was both of your responsibilities to use protection.
"Y/b/f/n you don't understand,he has a career,me and the baby are going to ruin it for him,he's probably going to brake up with me"you sob on to Y/b/f/n's shoulder. Y/b/f/n sighs u well need to tell him sooner or later you know that right y/n. "Yes Ik you" say
Skip to later that day at ur house brought to you by fijmin~~~~😂☠️

You heard a noise u quickly got out of bed and ran down stairs and you saw Grayson your heart dropped.
"Omg bby I missed you so much" he went in for a hug and kiss,you kissed back of course you pulled away and said "I missed you to"with your voice cracking trying to hold back tears.
He scrunches his eyebrows together and pull your chin up since he noticed you were avoiding eye contact "y/n baby what's  wrong" he asked with concern written all over his face.
I-I um Im pr- you burst into tears hugging him. "Plz don't l-leave me  Im sorry" you kept on repeating when you showed him the two sticks saying you have a child growing inside of you.
You looked up at him and you saw a smile spreading on his beautiful 
IM GOING TO BE A DAD  he yelled running around the house u giggled while wiping away tears, he came and hugged you and kissed you with such passion.

"Don't ever think I'm going to leave you y/n you mean the world to me I would never do that baby girl"he said kissing your forehead going down to your stomach and saying" i will never leave you or or your mommy Baby girl or boy."both of you giggled.

Well hope you in joy this one haha any way I might do a dirty one next 😏 if I get 4 votes then I will lol any way GATTTAAA BLAST 🏃🏻‍♀️💨💨 -andrea 💕

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