The End

19 1 6

Third person's Pov

5 years later

Eliza and Kid was very happy about their marriage and their family. Soul and Rosa got married two years after.

Eliza was pregnant with a baby girl and gave birth in the winter time. Kid named her after Eliza's mother Samantha. Rosa has a three year old son named Axle and he was a weapon. Kid took over DWMA after his father retired and settle down

Eliza gotten two names. Lady Death since she was married to kid and Flame Blaze cause she was known as the head of her family. Eliza found out her mother was alive but her father die.

Eliza couldnt be happier because she was pregnant again with kids child and she was nine months as it is.

Eliza's Pov

Its been 5 years since I was married to the love of my life and had a child named Samantha. She's got kids jet black hair but my eyes and she's a grim reaper as well but im teaching her how to control it. I'm pregnant once again and this time its a boy.

I was sitting on the couch with Samantha, she was drawing while I was sewing a blanket for the baby. "Mommy?" I turned looked up and Samantha was looking at me. "Yes Thia" I said as I used she nickname. "Will the baby be alright?" she asked and I smiled "of course! Your going to have a little brother so that means you have to watch over him" I said and she nodded.

I heard the front door open but I just didn't mind it. "Eliza and Samantha are you here" said kid and Thia ran to her father while I stayed put since I couldnt move as much. Kid kissed my head and I could tell he was smiling "hi kiddo" I said and turn around "hello snowflake and hello to you Sammy! Shows my baby girl been" said kid as he had Samantha in his arms.

Samantha had pigtails with a white ribbons in her hair and she was wearing a little dress. "I'm/She's good" me and Thia said at the Sam time and laughed. Kid sat on the couch next to me and put Thia down and she continued to draw.

"So shows the school going so far kid" I said and he sighed with scowl "what did Blackstar do this time" I said as sweatdropped. "He nearly destroy the death room and a classroom" he said and I giggled. "He'll leave the school soon trust me" I said as I kissed his cheeks.

"Daddy! Um there is this boy at my school we keeps picking a fight with me" said Samantha as she was playing with her fingers. I pulled her to my lap and she still didn't look at her father. "Well what's his name, im sure your mother knows him" said kid and I could tell she didn't want to tell me.

"His name is Red Star but he likes being called Lou" said Samantha but she mutter 'red star'. I got a tick mark on my head and calm down a bit. "That's Blackstar and Tusbaki's Son" I said and kid said he will deal with it.

I felt a kid and it kind hurt "ow" I mutter and touch my stomach to ease the pain. "Eliza what's wrong" kid asked with concern abut I smiled at him. "Nothing the baby is just kicking really hard that all- ok more that a little kiddo" I said as the kid was killing me.

I got up slowly and then I felt something going down my leg. The pain increased "Kid, please take me to the hospital" I said and he picked me up and ran to the car. He ran back in and had a bag of cloths and Samantha. He put her in a car seat and then started the car.

"Samantha can you sing for your mommy?" asked kid as Samantha buckle herself in. She nodded and started to sing. Pain went away a little and I was breathing slowly. We got to the hospital. Kid grabbed the bag and ran inside while Samantha just rubbed my belly.

"Its okay mommy!" said Thia and I smiled a little. Kid came back with a wheel chair and rolled me in, we got to the lady at the desk and I can tell she was a bitch. "My wife is in labor!" said kid but she ignored him. "Thia help mommy up" I said and she did.

I tapped kids shoulder and he moved. He covered his ears and Thia did the same. I grabbed the women but her caller and she was scared who she saw. "listen to me women! Im in labor so you better get me a room! OR I SWEAR TO DEATH I WILL PUT YOU SIX FEET UNDER!!" I screamed the last part and punched the desk and it broke into pieces.

"You have to do what mommy said" said Thia and I still had the glare. "Listen to my daughter if you know what's good for you" I said and they got me a room and the women was fired. The doctors came and kid took Thia to Rosa since I called her in the car while kid was driving.

~After child birth👶~

I was in my room holding my son, "Look at him, our cute boy" I said to kid as I couldnt take my eyes off of him. I couldn't tell his eye color but he looked like kid but had my hair with black a the tips a little. I heard a knock. "Come in" kid said as the door opened to see our friends and Thia.

"Is that my little brother?" asked Thia and I nodded. She climb onto the bed and looked at him. " he's a weapon mommy! I can tell" said Thia and the baby opened his eyes. He looked around until he spotted me and smiled and then looked at kid and Thia.

"What's his name?" asked Soul and "actually its Eliza's turn, I named Samantha" he said as he picked up our daughter. "I want his name to to mean something" I said as I looked at my son. I was looking into his eyes and he had kids eyes.

Then it hit me. "His name is going to be Ren and I picked this name cause of my brother, he always wanted to name his son Ren" I said with a sad smile. Kid smiled and soul luaghed, "hahaha you named your son that hahaha- ahhhh" soul said but this got kick in his balls by my little girl and I smile.

"Uncle soul! Don't you dare laugh at my baby brother!! I bet he can be a better weapon than you some day cause it took you until you was 19 to become a death sycth and i'll make sure, but if I ever find out you make fun about him- (pulled out a dagger) I will end you!" said Thia as she scared him with he was crying.

Everyone was laughing and Rosa high fived her niece. Ren giggled to and I smiled. "Eliza your kid is crazy" said Blackstar as his son was looking at my daughter. "Hey Lou! If you ever bug my daughter again,your going to wish you never met me you little brat!" I said and he hide behind black star.

"MY SON SHOULDN'T BE SCARED OF YOU!-" Blackstar was cut off as my daughter once again kicked him in his balls. "Got you right in the balls!!" said Thia and I laughed do hard the tears came out of my eyes.

They said I can go home and I took Renato his room. It was 9:05pm and Thia was asleep and Ren was sleeping to. I put on my pajamas and went to bed, I said goodnight to kid and fell asleep.

Third person's pov

Over the years Samantha became just as a great meister as Eliza and a grim reaper but she got Kids OCD. Ren was smart and became a great weapon. He was a sycth, dagger, pistols, katanas, and he was a meister to. Samantha was a weapon to but it was just two katanas.

The two was each other weapon and meister. Samantha gained Enraiha and she kinda acted like kid but had my temper. Ren was a sweetheart but did what he wad told.

Both of the kids became death scythes at the age of 12, Eliza and Kid couldn't be any happier with truer children. Samantha is now 18 and Ren is 12.

Now its the next generation

The End

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