chapter one: the begining

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 it has been 4 years since she  has gone back.   she missed him and he missed her. But, she didn't know how to go back, and he didn't know how to get to her.  Until one day, while on Alice's journey, she finds something.

Alice's P.O.V.      

"The dress.... the dress that i wore to underland! Oh my! i can see him!"

1 day earlier -brought to you by time-

I have been missing underland on this voyage, so much so, that i only talk to my mother....and she thinks i've lost it. 

"Alice, there is no such thing as underland, or the red-queen, or what's his name? Tarrant Hightop? Such a foul name to be given." Her exact words every single time i talk to her about underland. Nobody quite understands me like Tarrant. If only i could see him.

ThE nExT mOrNiNg

"Alice? Alice come here! we've reached shore! Come on alice! no need to pout anymore we've reached our destination! Alice Kingsleigh! Get up here this instant!" mother always over-reacts about reaching shore. I was told earlier that night that when we hit shore that i had to wear a dress.... the dress....that i wore my first time to underland. it was so nostalgic just looking at it. I only agreed to  wear it if i could wear a hat. his hat. somehow i got my mother to agree to it. 

"HURRY UP!"her sharp voice rang throughout the ship like the clock on fell day. when i noticed something....the dress was sparkling like it had never before and the hat had a certian portal like lookiingness to it were you put it on.  Then it hit me.

*gasp* I dropped the hat. c-c-could this be what i think it is?

"The dress.... the dress that i wore to underland! Oh my! i can see him! A-And the hat! Oh my! it really is happening!" i was going to see tarrant again! i made up my mind. i was going to stay with him. but it had to look like i was really gone so my mother wouldn't suspect anything. I ripped off the scar/scab from when the bandersnatch scratched me. 

ouch...blood started pouring own my arm. i made sure that it didn't hit the dress or the hat and held my hand long enough to  where blood stained the wood. i then wrapped my scratch up so the bleeding would stop until i got to underland. I put the dress on, then screamed so that my mother would see the blood, dropped a lantern outside in the water as if i was being thrown overboard, then put the hat on.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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