Night 1 : Hello There

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~2months later~

3rd person P.O.V

You wake up at 18:00PM and go down stairs and have your breakfast.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Yayy, it's finally time! I went down stair and my mum made me my most favorite breakfast, sausage, crispy bacon, beans and fried bread.
"Thanks mum your the best!"
So I ate my breakfast and said "I better get going, see ya" "Bye darling have a great time at work and see you tomorrow!" said mum. I bought my own car so I can drive myself to work. It takes about 4hrs and 30mins so by the time I got there it was about 22:30 PM.
When I got there I opened the door to see a day shifter serving me pizza! "Care to sit down for some pizza?" he said. "yes please!" I said, so we sat down and had some pizza. He told me what to do and said: "follow every instruction he tells you or you might die, not trying to scare you or anything but it's true." "OK?" I said.

~1hr and 30mins later~

"Well I better get to work" I said. "OK I will see you tomorrow! hopefully" the day shifter said.
I stepped into the elevator and hoped it wouldn't break. A keyboard called Mike popped up, I thought I recognized that name but anyway it told me to type my name in, I tried but it said error and called me... Eggs Benadict. Oh well I like that name anyways. When the elevator stopped this guy talking in my ear said to push a bright, red and obvious button to my right. And then I had to crawl through a vent?! Found it a bit strange but it's fine. My next task apparently to check on 2 things called Balora gallery and Funtime auditorium. Anyways he told me to press a blue button to check on Balora, i did but she wasn't there. Then the guy talking in my ear told me to press a red button to give a controlled shock, I really didn't want to but I was scared I would die so I done it, I checked on Balora and she was dancing away. "Good" I said. "Next we have to check on Funtime Foxy." said the guy said. I pressed the blue button and guess what... He wasn't there! I pressed the red button and gave him an controlled shock, then I checked on him again... AND HE WASN'T THERE!!! I had to give him another controlled shock!, So I did and then checked on him and he was there. "Phwww" I said. I was really scared now. Then I got told to crawl through the vent in front of me, abit strange but ok, anyway apparently, this was circus Baby's room. I just had to do the same thing bla bla bla, but then I had to do a 3rd controlled shock, A 3RD?!? I was so so so scared but I done it and she still wasn't there, but the guy talking in my ear said it was there but it wasn't anyway I took it and crawled back into the vent and it was finally over! "yeeessssssss, I get to go home now!!!" I shouted, with joy and excitement. When I drived home, my mum greeted me with a massive hug. "Your still alive!!" said mum. "Y-yeah" I said. "Anyway you should go and get some sleep for tomorrow ok (Y/N)?" "Ok" I said. "night" "night" said mum.

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